Nicole Kidman is facing a year full of projects in 2024, with series and film premieres. One of the first series to see the light of day on January 26th is “Expatriates,” a six-part series that follows the lives of several American women living in Hong Kong. The series is an audiovisual adaptation of the 2016 novel The Expatriates, written by Harvard-educated Hong Kong author Janice YK Lee, and stars Kidman as Margaret, one of the three protagonists. To attend the Australian premiere of the series, which took place at the Palace Verona in Sydney, the actress opted for a strapless nude dress that sculpted her figure, a model from the Italian company's Fall-Winter 2023 Haute Couture collection Fendi.
Nicole Kidman attended the premiere of “Expatriates” with her husband, singer Keith Urban. Don Arnold (WireImage)
Kidman, 56, posed for the cameras with her husband, singer Keith Urban, also 56, in the dress, whose side draping is reminiscent of classical sculptures. For styling, she once again relied on Jason Bolden, creative director and co-founder of JSN Studio, who also dressed her for the pre-presentation press conference, where the actress wore styles from Balmain and Versace. Wearing the Fendi dress, Kidman showed off her toned arms, which she previously showed off in 2022 when she appeared on the cover of Perfect magazine, in a photo session that paid tribute to the world of weightlifting.
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While Kidman shared a secret with the other protagonists in “Big Little Lies,” in her new series “Expatriates,” she plays a character who is connected to two other women through an unresolved tragedy. According to the book's synopsis, she stars as a “once happily married mother of three who questions her maternal identity after a devastating loss.”
Nicole Kidman opted for a “naked” dress. Don Arnold (WireImage)
The other two protagonists of “Expats” are Mercy, “a young Korean-American graduate of Columbia University who is confused by a terrible incident in her recent past,” a role played by 21-year-old actress Ji-young Yoo and Hilary, played by Sarayu Blue, “a wealthy housewife tormented by her struggle to have a child who she believes could save her marriage in crisis.” This project was led by the Chinese Filmmaker Lulu Wang, known for “Posthumous” or “The Farewell”.