Nicoletta Manni is the new Etoile of the Scala And

Nicoletta Manni is the new Etoile of the Scala. And for the first time the nomination takes place on stage

Nicoletta Manni is the new Étoile of the Teatro alla Scala: the nomination was announced by the director Dominique Meier on the theater stage last night at the end of the second performance of the ballet Oneghin, in which the protagonist is paired with a dancer Roberto Bolle: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sorry if I interrupt the applause,” said Meier on stage. “I thank the Orchestra and the Corps de Ballet, I thank Roberto Bolle, who, as you all know, is an icon of dance, a great master and, a quality that I value, he is loyal to his theater, La Scala. And above all, I congratulate Nicoletta Manni, a special, fantastic dancer. When a dancer shines like this for years among the stars, the rules can be changed and that is why, at the suggestion of Manuel Legris, I have the pleasure of giving Nicoletta the title of “étoile”. Real ovations from the audience but also from the corps gathered on stage de Ballet welcomed the announcement, which surprised and thrilled everyone.

Nicoletta Manni then said through tears: “I didn’t expect it, I really didn’t know anything.” It’s great, I’m unsettled, I can’t say much other than that I’m grateful for this evening. It was already a beautiful moment and now this is the crowning moment.”

It is the first time that a nomination for the Scala will be made publicly, directly on stage: “It is a tradition of the Paris Opera that I was happy to bring here to the Scala,” confirmed Meier, who is with the complicity of the Head of the dance group, Manuel Legris“She hadn’t told anyone about the decision – it’s the most powerful moment in a dancer’s career, and it’s nicer to experience it together with colleagues and the public.” And Legris: “It’s a nomination that rewards an artist who did a lot and worked well.” The last nomination for “Etoile” at La Scala was that of Svetlana Zacharova, guest Etoile, but the list of “stars” in the Scala Ballet is long, including Carla Fracci And Alessandra Ferri.

After the announcement, Nicoleta Manni celebrated with her colleagues from the Corps de Ballet, the theater and of course her husband, the dancer and colleague Timofej Andrijashenko: “I am happy,” said Timofej, “we dreamed of it, and as dancers too.” everyone dreams of it. It’s a dream come true, I know how hard Nicoletta worked for it. I am proud and grateful for everything, for her and for the theater. For Nicoletta Manni, who attended the Scala dance school at the age of 12 and has been a solo dancer since 2014, it is truly a special year: her successes at the Scala, her marriage to Timofej Andrijashenko, with whom she forms one of the most glamorous couples in the world.

now the promotion and at the very end a ballet, Oneghin by John Cranko, which is close to her heart because it is not only technical, but also a beautiful opportunity to demonstrate her interpretive skills: “The character of Tatiana has that to me gave a lot, Through this I discovered the innermost side of me and now this appointment will always remain in my heart,” said Manni, who also thanked Roberto Bolle: “He was by my side in the most difficult and emotional moments and tonight “was he here” with me at the announcement. I feel the responsibility of this appointment, but at the moment I am just happy.”