Nikita Pelizon and Antonino Spinalbese vs Luca Onestini Big Brother

Nikita Pelizon and Antonino Spinalbese vs Luca Onestini Big Brother VIP | GFVIP 7 Big Brother

As much as they try to make peace Nikita and Onestini You don’t arrive at a meeting point.

After the first approach, the VIPs abruptly ended their acquaintance, even going so far as not to speak to each other.

A Brazilian dinner gained by the model led to further discussion between the two. Nikita took the intimate opportunity to ask the boy’s forgiveness, but Onestini did not accept his apology, which was too vague and general. “In my opinion, we hurt each other,” said the girl, but the VIP believes that she has no arguments and does not even try to grant a truce.

surprise Anthonywho Nikita never appreciated, sided with the Trieste model and defended her against Onestini’s allegations.

Although he is not even convinced by the girl’s behavior, it is certain that Onestini is also false and superficial.

The hairdresser’s opinion doesn’t move the boy: “I’m not here to be someone’s ex,” he says, accusing the roommate of not being famous in his own right.

After the clip summarizing the events of the week, Alfonso Onestini asks if he thinks Antonino has built his own identity, regardless of his love history. The boy responds by wishing his friend to create his own piece of publicity, but at the same time accuses him of seriously offending him.

Antonino doesn’t even try to defend himself: what he said, he really meant. For him, Onestini has no content.

Nikita gets involved, too: Onestini can handle meaningless subjects as well as profound ones, but he chooses who he opens up to.

In any case, she’s glad she made dinner, but she’s sorry because Onestini immediately got defensive.

Some tenants believe she invited him out of sheer strategy, but she categorically denies that. His intentions were good. He did not want to go back to the past, but to lay the foundations for peace.

Once again, he apologizes to the VIP for hurting him, but doesn’t elaborate on what he said about the physical advances

Onestini goes on to claim that nothing ever happened between them and says confidently that he was always clear with her, with words and gestures.

The model does not want to deepen the discussion, but to maintain as friendly a relationship as possible. The VIP does not refuse her greetings but no longer trusts her and prefers not to be her friend.

For the first time Alfonso shows a clip in which Nikita Antonella tells about an episode in which Onestini went too far and approached her very sensually. The boy looks on in shock and goes on to say that he never did anything described in the video.

Alfonso gives them some advice: “Ignore each other”. The best thing would be to put an end to this and start over. Both are skeptical.

It’s not easy to determine who is sincere between the two, but one thing is certain: only Nikita and Onestini know the truth.