Nine years after her disappearance a womans body is found

Nine years after her disappearance, a woman’s body is found in the walls of her home: her former companion confesses

A man taken into police custody for stabbing his now-girlfriend has confessed to murdering his ex-girlfriend nine years after her disappearance and admitting walling her up in her accommodation in Malaga, Spain.

In SpainIn Torremolinos, near Malaga, Sibora Gagani’s body has just been found behind one of the walls of the house she lived with her companion nine years after her disappearance.

According to RMCcrime, the victim’s former companion, suspected of killing his new companion with a knife, spontaneously confessed to the murder of Sibora Gagani after his arrest on May 17.

According to information from the daily newspaper “El País”, the victim’s ex-partner, Marco R., admitted in police custody that the young woman’s body was hidden behind the wall of her house.

According to the statements of the 45-year-old, the officers of the Spanish criminal police searched the scene of the crime, but initially found nothing due to a lack of information and materials.

Spanish authorities later used X-rays to recover the footprint of the house’s foundation. The lifeless body of the young woman from Albania was eventually found in a wooden box between walls.

An autopsy is currently being carried out at the Malaga Forensic Institute to clarify the circumstances of the death.

She had confided in him that he had been very violent towards her on several occasions

His relatives living in Italy reported him missing on July 7, 2014, fearing that they had not heard from them.

At that time, Marco R is said to have told the victim’s mother that she would have gone to Italy with them. However, the investigators did not find any indication of a possible departure. The belongings and the phone of the young woman, who was 22 at the time of the crime, were discovered in her home. In addition, his mobile phone sent radio signals for the last time on the day of his disappearance.

Given these elements, the victim’s mother had doubts about the veracity of the young man’s words. Especially since shortly before his disappearance, Sibora Gagani would have confided in his mother the very violent side of his companion.

Marco R. had already received two reports of domestic violence against him and a deportation order for one of his former companions.

At the time of his arrest, Sibora’s parents said, “We knew 100% that he killed her then.”