Niurka goes against graphologist Maryfer Centeno with everything They overreact

Niurka goes against graphologist Maryfer Centeno with everything; They overreact with their relationship

  • Niurka Marcos and Juan Vidal started their relationship while participating in the reality show House of the Famous 2.
  • Maryfer Centeno, a graphologist and body language specialist, analyzed the couple’s microexpressions.
  • The vedette sent him a strong tone to answer the graphologist.

Juan Vidal and Niurka Marcos continue to cause controversy over their statements. Now, during one of the programs of the program “First Hand”, the graphologist Maryfer Centeno was invited to conduct an analysis of the body language of the couple who found themselves in “La Casa de los Famosos”.

Then the expert assured that both are overreacting, because a really loving couple does not look like them. In addition, he mentioned that Juan Vidal and Niurka wanted to be the protagonists and that their contact was minimal, but confessed that the real protagonist was the nickname “scandal woman” because she has a natural and overprotective look, something you don’t see in the actor who looks stiff next to her.

Following these statements, the Vedette spoke out against Maryfer Centeno, who did not keep anything during her analysis, and sent an audio to Gustavo Adolfo Infante so that he in turn forwarded it to the lawyer as well.

Niurka goes against graphologist Maryfer Centeno with everything;  They overreact to their relationship

“Hey Gustavo, tell your graphologist Maryfer, why doesn’t she come and analyze the co… so delicious that Juan and I get… Also tell Maryfer that we invite her if she wants so she can enjoy as we do together.” bathe as we eat together, tell her Maryfer to stay with us for 24 hours,” he said.

But it didn’t stop there, as the graphologist said she would get down to the facts and not engage in unnecessary controversy.

“There’s a very beautiful phrase that says, ‘Tell me what you suspect and I’ll tell you what’s wrong’, I won’t answer Niurka, I’ll get back to the facts: one that scientific evidence says, when a person lacks sex. He’s more irritable, if that spell of Niurka was really true he wouldn’t have to be irritable, he wouldn’t care what that humble person tells him,” Mryfer replied.

Niurka goes against graphologist Maryfer Centeno with everything;  They overreact to their relationship