No funeral home could be found for Navalny39s funeral

No funeral home could be found for Navalny's funeral

Alexei Navalny

Alexei Navalny – ANSA

Alexei Navalny is so frightening even in death that no one wants to bury him. The message comes directly from Kira Yarmishistorical spokesman for the dissident who officially died of natural causes on February 16 last year, but in reality for reasons that are still unclear.

“Since yesterday we have been looking for a room where we can say goodbye to Alexei,” Yarmis wrote on “X”. We called most private and public funeral homes, commercial businesses and funeral homes. Somewhere it says the room is occupied. Somewhere They refuse to mention the name “Navalny”.. At one point we were directly told that funeral homes were prohibited from working with us. After a day of looking for a place to say goodbye to him, we couldn't find a place. Yarmis also asked on social media to contact the dissident's team if anyone had a solution to the problem.

He genuinely never seems to want to end the pain for the dissident's family. First, sudden death in the high-security penal colony beyond the Arctic Circle. Then the back and forth with the Russian authorities over the return of the dissident's body, with his mother's complaint, Lyudmila Navalnayathat the leaders of the penal colony would only return the body with the assurance of a secret burial.

The March 17 presidential election is just days away. The dissident's public funeral could become a mass demonstration and his grave could become a mausoleum for dissidents.

Last Saturday the situation seemed to have been resolved when the body was returned to the mother on the ninth day, when, according to Orthodox tradition, the soul of the deceased is remembered and prayed for. Yesterday the dissident's team announced funerals “within the working week”.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin is preparing to strengthen its influence again. Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said The appeals of Alexei Navalny’s supporters are “provocative”. to protest against actions claiming to be “calls to violate the laws” and threatening “legal consequences” for “those who respond in any way to these calls.”

Two Russians lay flowers for Alexei Navalny near the Monument to Political Prisoners in St. Petersburg.  Despite the climate of terror, people do not give up paying homage to Putin's strongest opponent

Two Russians lay flowers for Alexei Navalny near the Monument to Political Prisoners in St. Petersburg. Despite the climate of terror, people do not give up paying homage to Putin's strongest opponent – ANSA