No Mercy Greedy dog ​​devours whole family alive

‘No Mercy’: Greedy dog ​​devours whole family alive

An extraordinary and harrowing natural event was recently recorded that shocked wildlife watchers. A dog snake (Spilotes pullatus) was caught preying on an entire family of marsupials and devouring them alive.

dogeating family of living possumsCaninana devoured a family of Cuícas. Photo: Internet//ND

Video shared on social media shows a dog in action, relentlessly attacking a family of cuícas, marsupials native to South America. The moment was analyzed by snake biologist Henrique.

The stunning video shows the snake in a tree where the Cuícas family took refuge. Without hesitation, the snake catches the marsupials, one by one, devours them alive, and devours them whole.

The shocking images show the possums’ desperate struggle as they attempt to escape, but are quickly overwhelmed by the snake’s strength and agility.

The biologist then explains that the caninana is a nonvenomous snake that usually immobilizes its prey by constricting it. However, the video shows an unusual predatory behavior where the snake chooses to devour prey alive.

Although it is known for its ability to swallow prey whole, this approach to capturing marsupials alive is surprising.

characteristics of the dog

The dog snake, scientifically known as Spilotes pullatus, is a nonvenomous snake found in several regions of Central and South America, including parts of Brazil such as the Pantanal.

It is known for its striking appearance and effective predatory behavior.

Physical Description: Dog snakes are medium to large snakes, reaching up to 2.5 meters in length, although larger specimens have also been recorded.

Its body is long, slender and cylindrical, with a head distinctly separated from the body. Coloration varies, but the species generally exhibits a mixture of colors that includes shades of green, yellow, brown, and black.

A striking feature is the presence of a diamondshaped scale pattern along the back, which can vary in appearance.

Behavior and habitat: Caninanas are tree snakes, meaning they are commonly found in trees and bushes. They are known for being agile and quickacting, especially when chasing prey in dense vegetation.

As mentioned, it is not poisonous but is an effective predator. It feeds on a variety of prey including birds, small mammals, amphibians and other reptiles.

While hunting, the dog uses its strength to immobilize its prey, often swallowing it whole even if the prey is still alive.

Reproduction: Dog reproduction is oviparous, which means that it lays eggs. Females lay their eggs in nests in sheltered places, such as tree hollows or piles of rotting leaves. At birth, the young are independent and have to look after themselves alone. because they do not receive parental care.

Geographical distribution: Caninanas are found in various parts of Central and South America, including Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and regions of Brazil such as the Pantanal.

Conservation: Caninanas are not currently listed as a threatened species, although they may face conservation challenges due to habitat loss and environmental degradation.

As top predators, these snakes play an important role in regulating prey populations and maintaining ecological balance in their natural habitats.