1664792068 No more gas has leaked from the Nord Stream gas

No more gas has leaked from the Nord Stream gas pipelines

No more gas has leaked from the Nord Stream gas

On Sunday, the Danish Energy Agency said that the Nord Stream 1 pipeline also stopped leaking gas: Nord Stream 2, the other pipeline connecting Russia and Europe, had stopped leaking gas on Saturday. The leaks had lasted about a week, and while the cause is unknown, the most common hypothesis is that they were caused by sabotage, which may have been carried out by Russia to continue using gas supplies as a tool to put pressure on Western governments and to urge them to tone down their anti-Russian positions on the war in Ukraine.

The pressure in the gas pipelines (which are about 100 meters underwater) has dropped by about 10 bar due to leaks on the outside water, the company that manages the Nord Stream gas pipeline explained.1: The gas leaks have stopped.

– Also read: How were the Nord Stream pipelines sabotaged?