No reason justifies an attack on “Mona Lisa, says French Culture Minister

Sao Paulo

Rachida Dati, French Minister of Culture, made comments this Sunday (28) after two climate activists threw soup on Leonardo da Vinci's “Mona Lisa”, the most famous painting in the Louvre in Paris.

“The Gioconda, like our heritage, belongs to future generations. No reason can justify making them a target. All my support goes to the staff of the Louvre Museum,” Dati wrote in his profile on X, formerly Twitter.

The work is under bulletproof glass and was not directly affected by the attack this Sunday. In protest, the two women spoke about sustainable diets after entering a remote area. They also showed off a Tshirt that said “Food Response.”

This was not the first attack on the Mona Lisa, either inside or outside the Louvre. Most recently, in 2022, the painting was attacked by a man in a wheelchair disguised in a wig and cap who threw something similar to a cake at the work.