No winner in Nevada39s Republican primary a setback for Haley

No winner in Nevada's Republican primary, a setback for Haley

No candidate won the Republican primary in Nevada on Tuesday, a setback for Nikki Haley, who still had virtually no competition against her in an election where everything was at stake because of election rules maintained by the Republican Party.

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• Also read: Biden continues his election campaign in Nevada with very mixed polls

According to the official results of this election, there were more ballots that said “None of these candidates” (61%) than those that supported Nikki Haley (32%). Donald Trump was not one of the candidates.

This result, even if it has no consequences, is a new setback for Nikki Haley, the only candidate still in the race against Trump, who has already lost to the former president in Iowa and New Hampshire and appears to be having a bad campaign The home state of South Carolina started at the end of February.

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The Republican primary in Nevada was not challenging due to the Republican Party's complicated election rules.

In fact, it was not used to select the 26 state delegates who will participate in the nomination of the Republican candidate for the White House. Those delegates will be elected Thursday in “caucuses,” local meetings in schools or gymnasiums where Nikki Haley does not attend and where Donald Trump is the only major candidate.

This illegible system, which is causing confusion among voters, is due to disagreements between Nevada authorities and the Republican Party.

Nevada decided to change its election system in 2021, abandoning its traditional caucuses in favor of primaries that allow mail-in voting.

But in an America where Donald Trump is still fighting his 2020 loss to Joe Biden, mail-in voting is the subject of conspiracy theories that liken it to a plot to manipulate the results. The “Grand Old Party” therefore decided to maintain its election meetings, which must be attended in person.

And he decided that only the results of the caucuses would count for the nomination, and also banned the candidates in Tuesday's primary elections from taking part in Thursday's caucuses. Nikki Haley will therefore not be able to compete.