No worries for Cole Caufield

No worries for Cole Caufield

Cole Caufield was stunted in momentum that would have allowed him to at least become the first 40-goal scorer for the Canadiens since Vincent Damphouse. Knowing that everything was taken care of for his team, the sniper decided to sit out the rest of the season and have major surgery on his right shoulder.

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Can we hope he performs the same next season? Alex Burrows thinks so.

“I have an injury during my career that is very similar to his. I also had to have an operation, said the Canadian’s assistant coach. I had to undergo an almost six-month rehabilitation period. But it came back 100% and I would even say it’s my strongest shoulder.

“I know Cole followed the doctor’s protocol to the letter. He’s been training hard. I know he will get back in shape and hope to have a great season with us,” Burrows continued.

As for fears that might linger after that surgery, which saw him miss the final 36 games of the season, Burrows doesn’t see the semblance of a problem.

“I don’t think so. You strengthen the muscles around the affected ligaments so much that you have nothing to worry about. Furthermore, Cole’s role is not to play physically.

More details to come…