NÖAAB for Public Service Day

Teschl-Hofmeister/Zauner: Public sector employees ensure our society runs on a daily basis

St. Polten (OTS) – On 23.06. it’s Public Service Day. On this day, the Lower Austrian Employees’ Association (NÖAAB) draws attention to the great achievements of public sector employees. “Employees of the federal, state and municipal public service guarantee the functioning of our society on a day-to-day basis. Thanks to their commitment, they are reliable partners of the population in all areas of life”, says Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister, NÖAAB State President and State Manager Matthias Zauner.

“Starting with childbirth in a state clinic in Lower Austria with the colleagues who work there. In a state kindergarten in Lower Austria with thousands of primary teachers from the state of Lower Austria and supervisors from communities in Lower Austria. Across the area school with tens of thousands of dedicated teachers. The public service provides security with its thousands of colleagues in uniform. With the police, army and prison guards. But also on the road, the public service with colleagues from the road maintenance departments and bridges guarantees more security in our country. Compatriots are assisted by dedicated colleagues in dealing with official channels in federal and state departments, municipalities, magistrates and municipal departments. At the same time, thanks to the colleagues who work there, the best care for Health is assured in our state clinics, often under difficult conditions.But even in old age, thousands of colleagues look after the generation of our parents and grandparents in care and support centers in Lower Austria. In short: the people of Lower Austria can always count on the public service”, emphasize Teschl-Hofmeister and Zauner.

“The crises of recent years have shown how robust, flexible and crisis-proof the public sector is in our country. Even with the current challenges, civil servants are a guarantee of stability, security and further development. We would like to sincerely thank all employees for this commitment. Just as we can rely on the public service, employees can also rely on NÖAAB to represent their interests. Special thanks therefore go to the staff representatives and works councils. Together, we stand up for those who give so much to society every day,” conclude Teschl-Hofmeister and Zauner.

Questions and contact:

Matthew Zagler
+43 664 839 74 42
[email protected]