quotNobody knew about the operationquot More shadows on Kate Middleton39s

"Nobody knew about the operation…" More shadows on Kate Middleton's health

A real sensation arises in the media around the abdominal surgery he underwent Kate Middleton She went through it on January 17th last year. There is little information about her, as well as the official statements that leak from her Court walls. After the fear of a malignant tumor was dispelled, not even those in the know are aware of the reasons for this operation and why the future queen was forced to postpone all her obligations at least until Easter. A Secret which is getting thicker by the day, affecting both royal observers and the British and American media. This is because it would seem that the operation would not be that easy and, above all, the reason for the secrecy is not explained. giving consolation real gossip – if you want to call it that – Tessa Dunlop thought about it. She is a historian and is interested in the relationships within monarchical families. In an article published in People, the historian reveals that the story contains too many unclear points.

While the historian understands that Kate Middleton is not an ordinary London citizen and therefore a bit of secrecy about her private life is a must, he admits that the topic is handled too precisely to prevent health news and gossip from becoming public knowledge. From that E-mail From 90 minutes of talking about King Charles and his conditions to the press, to the cryptic confrontation with the media: For Tessa Dunlop, it's all a strategy. “Apparently no one knew anything,” he adds in the short article published in People. As I have seen, the intention from the outset was to keep the matter confidential. In court, only her husband and Carlo and Camilla knew about the operation and no one else. “Not even Kate’s confidants knew about her condition or the fact that she would have to undergo surgery,” she comments historical.

As the American magazine emphasizes again, the hospital stay and theintervention They were a surprise not only for the English but also for Kate's friends. Only a few people knew, only very trustworthy people who would never have been able to spread indiscretions. Kate Middleton was last seen in public in a traditional way Christmas mass with the rest of the royal family at Sandringham on December 25th. He was in excellent shape, smiling and had no signs of health problems. Could something have happened later, during the holidays at Anmer Hall?