Non Aligned Movement calls Israel39s war in Gaza illegal and condemns.com2F8a2F8a2F4204e1cf7db5bff4c01de1fb2d6e2Ff9f6ec7f7ba94780ba66875746f6954e

Non-Aligned Movement calls Israel's war in Gaza illegal and condemns attacks on Palestinians – The Associated Press

KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — Non-Aligned Movement leaders on Saturday called Israel's military operation in the Gaza Strip “illegal” and strongly condemned indiscriminate attacks on Palestinian civilians, civilian infrastructure and the forced displacement of the Palestinian population.

While calling for a ceasefire urgently needed to allow humanitarian aid access to the Gaza Strip, the movement called in a joint statement for a two-state solution based on pre-1967 borders, when Israel included Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem conquered in a short war with neighboring Arab states.

The group also reiterated its support for the admission of a Palestinian state as a member of the United Nations to take its rightful place in the community of nations.

The Non-Aligned Movement, which emerged during the collapse of colonial systems and at the height of the Cold War, has played a key role in decolonization processes, according to its website. Member countries strive not to be officially allied with or against a major power bloc.

Ninety representatives, including 30 heads of state, from NAM's 120 member countries attended the week-long conference in the Ugandan capital Kampala. The highlight was a summit meeting of heads of state on Friday and Saturday.

According to Gaza's Health Ministry, more than 24,400 Palestinians have died in the current war, and according to the United Nations, a quarter of the 2.3 million people stuck in Gaza are starving. In Israel, about 1,200 people were killed and about 250 people were taken hostage by militants in the Oct. 7 Hamas attack that sparked the war.

The NAM statement said members were very concerned about the continued deterioration of the situation on the ground and the humanitarian crisis. It condemned Israel's ongoing settlement construction and expansion activities in the Palestinian territories and in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights in Syria.

The group called for the attention of the international community, particularly the UN Security Council.

“To this end, it is high time to end this heinous occupation, which continues to be imposed in flagrant violation of international law, and to ensure the implementation of the countless relevant General Assembly and Security Council resolutions,” the statement said.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres told the summit that the refusal to accept the two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians and the denial of the right to statehood for the Palestinian people were unacceptable.

He supported the NAM's position, which called for Security Council reform.

“Your movement has long highlighted the council’s systemic failings and the need for reforms to make it truly effective and representative. How can we accept that there is still not a single Permanent Member on the African continent?” he asked.

Guterres said the killing of 152 UN staff in Gaza was disheartening, adding that Hamas' attack on Israel and the Israeli army's destruction of Gaza in 110 days was completely unprecedented during his term as UN secretary-general.