Non Human UFOs in the United States Five Questions Regarding

“Non Human” UFOs in the United States: Five Questions Regarding a Whistleblower’s Revelations

Are we really alone in the universe? There are many theories on this subject. David Charles Grusch, head of American intelligence that deals with UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), poses the question again. This Air Force veteran claims to have alerted his hierarchy in 2021 that the United States was secretly holding original equipment “not human” for decades to use the technology. Where do these machines come from? What are we talking about ? Are these statements to be taken seriously? We explain it to you.

Also read: Does France have a plan in case of an alien invasion?

1. What does this American veteran reveal?

David Charles Grusch, in a document dated April 6, 2023, stamped “Ministry of Defense”, consulted by Le Parisien and The Debrief, reveals the existence of secret American material exploitation programs “of exotic origin” out of “Unknown Aerospace Phenomena, Crashes/Landings”. The goal of these programs, which would last for ninety years, would be to understand how this material works and to harness the technology.

In an interview with Le Parisien, David Charles Grusch confirms this “The analyzes performed provided evidence that these were non-human objects, particularly those discovered ninety years ago.” What could be the origin of these objects? The trained physics whistleblower then explains it “Mechanical and experimental data show it’s not human. It could be extraterrestrial or something else originating from other dimensions as described in quantum mechanics.” He’s convinced the US government knows more than he’s letting on.

2. Why does David Charles Grusch position himself as a whistleblower?

This 36-year-old American, a former decorated officer in Afghanistan, emerged from anonymity on Monday June 5 while making revelations in the columns of The Debrief. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency veteran David Charles Grusch was assigned to the team responsible for investigating UFOs between 2019 and 2021.

In July 2021, he submitted confidential UFO information to the Department of Defense Inspector General for distribution to members of Congress. However, this will not be the case and David Charles Grusch will even be the subject of reprisals for this initiative.

He is initiating an official whistleblowing process in May 2022 so that Congress can learn this information about secret UFO programs that have been in operation for decades.

3. What do these “exotic items” look like?

Hard to say. In his interview with Le Parisien, David Charles Grusch recalls a “vessel resembling a bell and about ten meters tall” Recovered in northern Italy in 1933. This object, kept by Mussolini’s government, was recovered by the United States in 1944.

He justifies the non-human origin of these objects with it “the morphology of the vehicles and the scientific tests performed on their material, as well as the presence of unique atomic compositions and radiological signatures”.

A screenshot of video of a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) released by NASA on May 31, 2023. | DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE View full screen

A screenshot of video of a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) released by NASA on May 31, 2023. | DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

The whistleblower claims to have seen the rest “very interesting things” However, due to his non-disclosure agreement that still ties him to the US government, he is not allowed to speak about it for the time being.

4. Why is David Charles Grusch making these disclosures?

Like any whistleblower, the American veteran who left the Department of Defense in April wanted to emerge from the shadows “Ethics. I thought the public deserved to know some facts.” he goes over to the Parisian. David Charles Grusch accuses the US military and US government of hiding these programs for military purposes. The Five Eyes alliance, that is Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, would have participated in the secret programs he denounces.

But the former spy believes such research might suffice “Advancing Advanced Space Programs, Advancing Materials Science”, or even lead to climate or health advances.

5. Should these revelations be taken seriously?

Here’s the whole question. The dossier sent to Congress by David Charles Grusch includes hundreds of pages of specific data on the secret programs “but no physical material associated with the debris or other non-human objects,” reports The Debrief. What the skeptics most doubt.

However, the whistleblower’s resume speaks for him. In addition to being a colonel in the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, a branch of the Pentagon, he was also a member of the UAP Task Force (UAPTF), an agency reporting to the US Secretary of Defense whose job it was to analyze UFO sightings. Following his revelations, he received support from Karl Nell, a retired U.S. Army Colonel who worked with Grusch at the UAPTF: “His claim of an Earth arms race centered on reverse-engineered technology of unknown origin is fundamentally correct. he explains in the columns of The Debrief. As is the fact that some of these unknown objects are of non-human intelligence. »

Former intelligence officer Luz Elizondo, who led a Pentagon program investigating UFOs, also supported the whistleblower on Twitter. “Thank you for your courage and honesty”he wrote.

David Charles Grusch says he’s aware his revelations could “Pushing Other Unfounded Conspiracy Theories” However, he claims to have more information that he will reveal later.

These revelations come at a time when the United States is experiencing a renewed interest in UFOs. In May, a Senate committee held a hearing of army intelligence officials on the issue. For its part, NASA announced that it would launch an investigation and published the first video of a UFO.