1706355745 NordPass introduces updated data breach scanner – Lebigdatafr

NordPass introduces updated data breach scanner – Lebigdata.fr

NordPass strengthens its personal data protection system with the launch of an improved version of its dedicated scanner.

With this new version the popular one becomes Password manager expands monitoring Bank card numbers. This guarantees instant notifications. This new update from North Pass intends to optimize your online security.

Details about new features

Good news for your privacy! Password manager NordPass has just launched a new, improved version of its security scanner. From now on, in addition to your email addresses, your credit card numbers will also be monitored.

Goal: to offer you maximum protection against data leaks. Thanks to this more comprehensive scanner, NordPass will be able to do this proactively detect if your sensitive personal information has been compromised on the dark web or elsewhere. This increased monitoring is of course carried out while respecting your privacy. In fact, NordPass does not store any of your data in plain text on its servers.

With this update you can count on improved security and privacy. An excellent initiative by NordPass to protect you from hacks and data leaks.

At a time when online banking transactions are increasing, it is becoming increasingly important to be able to check whether your banking details have been exposed online. Thanks to its new scanner, NordPass guarantees you real-time alerts in the event of your card numbers being compromised, so you can react immediately and limit the damage.

But that's not all. Even if you're not directly affected, the scanner will also notify you of general data breaches detected across the Internet. You therefore benefit from an overview of threats in terms of hacker attacks and the loss of personal data. Enough to strengthen your vigilance and take appropriate protective measures to better protect your sensitive information online.

With NordPass, benefit from a strong ally that monitors your banking details 24/7!

Why use NordPass?


NordPass uses the state-of-the-art encryption to secure yours Passwords and other sensitive data. Its architecture Zero knowledge even prevents NordPass employees from accessing your data. Additionally, biometric authentication further increases security since only you have access to your password vault.

In addition, NordPass has been audited by independent experts. Currently it is used by more than 3.8 million people as well as by more than 4,400 companies worldwide.

With this new update to its privacy scanner, NordPass continues to promote digital privacy and security.