North American Leaders Summit The Commitments of Mexico the US

North American Leaders Summit: The Commitments of Mexico, the US and Canada

Posted in NATIONAL on 2023-10-01 10:34 p.m

This Tuesday the Tenth Summit of North American Leaderswhere the Presidents of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorand those of the United States, Joe Bidenand the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeauannounced the commitments between the three nations.

The authorities announced this during a statement to the media Commitments they face, which revolve around six pillarsaccording to a document from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE).

Leaders of North America / EFE

Diversity, equity and inclusion

That’s what North American leaders reported These concepts are “fundamental to strength, vitality and resilience” from Mexico, the USA and Canada.

“We are focused on providing marginalized communities with opportunities for their full, equitable and meaningful participation in our democracies and economies.”

With this in mind, López Obrador, Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau expressed their joint commitment Protection of civil rights, promotion of racial justiceand expand protections for people belonging to the LGBT+ community.

climate change and environment

In relation to this issue, the leaders recognized the need Take action to address the climate crisisand thus have answers to their consequences.

“This includes meeting our respective nationally determined contributions by 2030 under the Paris Agreement, and working and collaborating with other countries to keep a 1.5 degree Celsius temperature limit within reach.”

Joe Biden, President of the EU/EFE


The three countries will endeavor to deepen their regional capacities for the to attract high-quality investmentsas well as drive innovation and strengthen the resilience of economies.

“The three countries will seek to forge stronger regional supply chains and encourage targeted investment in key future industries such as semiconductors and batteries for electric vehicles.”

Other Commitments of North American Leaders

The document points out that on the issue of migration and development AMLO, Biden and Trudeau will promote labor mobility in North Americathrough a safe and orderly transfer of aliens.

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada / EFE

In terms of health, improvement, prevention, preparedness and agility, it is intended to offer a rapid response to health emergencies in the North American region.

Finally, the agreement after the summit of North American leaders shows that in terms of security The strategy against national, regional and global threats is strengthened.