North Korea Kim poses in front of his new nuclear

North Korea, Kim poses in front of his new nuclear warhead for short rockets

At military parades, Kim Jong-un rejoices when “king-size” bombs are paraded, such as the infamous Hwasong-17, dubbed the “monster missile” by analysts because of its size.

But the North Korean Marshal’s war strategy also plays with small nuclear warheads that have the “advantage” of being able to be mounted on short-range missiles designed to be launched beyond the 38th parallel into South Korea’s territory.

Pyongyang’s propaganda today reports the latest inspection conducted by Kim at a missile ammunition factory.

The regime boss appears in front of a new warhead dubbed “Hwasan-31”, which according to the North Korean narrative is a small and short-range missile nuclear device intended for use against American and South Korean forces on the battlefield.

During the visit, Kim ordered North Korean industry to increase production.

Photos released this morning already show ten Hwasan-31 warheads being produced by factories in the north.