1704218183 Not even the NYT investigation will convince Hamas supporters Nicola

Not even the NYT investigation will convince Hamas supporters Nicola Porro

Hamas hostages

It took the New York Times a good two months to collect 150 witness statements and reconstruct the tragic events of October 7, 2023, in which many took part Israeli women They were tortured and raped by Hamas terrorists. Although Israeli police collected more than 1,500 witness statements, The New York Times conducted a separate investigation that uncovered confirmations and more details about the disturbing details of the horror unleashed on Palestinians this Saturday.

The NYT investigation into Hamas

The American newspaper identified at least seven locations where they occurred Rapes And Mutilations, the details of which were collected through interviews with 150 witnesses, medical personnel, soldiers and advisers. During these hours, the terror spread not only to the “Supernova Party,” but also to the kibbutzim and military bases on the border with the Gaza Strip, some of which were undefended at the time due to the Jewish holiday.

On the Route 232 Volunteers found the bodies of at least 30 women with their legs spread, clothing torn and signs of abuse in the genital area. Among them was the body of Gal Abdush, a mother of two children, who was unrecognizable because her face was completely burned. His identification was made solely through DNA.

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The New York Times journalists also looked at the videos and photos that others testified brutal violence, including ones on a woman's body with nails driven into her groin. It is pointless to continue listing the details of the violence Hamas Anyone who had the sadism to commit rape on Israeli women until they broke bones will find it in the original article of the “Lady in Gray” or in the articles that appeared at that time in the pages of the most important world newspapers.

Wasted effort

There is no point trying to persuade those who don't want to see, or trying to find some justification, motivation, or extenuating circumstance for something by climbing mirrors Terrorist attack Had it been implemented in another part of the world, there would have been uprisings full of resentment towards the aggressors and endless solidarity towards those attacked.

It is pointless to explain why, especially this time, in the face of the massacre, the international solidarity organizations such as the Feminist World, the International Red Cross, which refused to send medicines to the kidnapped people, and the United Nations, which have once again proven how it is useless, the UN organizations, useless and harmful like their parent company, the Mee Too and all its galaxies, always ready to defend everything and everyone, in this case have become refugees in deafening silence.

Are you Jewish? Count less

Could it be because the Hamas massacre of Jewish women was carried out? If according to them the Jewish meat is worth less As for the others, they say it openly so that they do not appear to be hypocrites, but they do not say it because they are hypocrites and their inaction and silence will forever weigh on their conscience as long as they know the meaning of the word conscience. And don't think about fixing everything in the near future with a few excuses.

They will be able to avoid this because we will not simply excuse the fact that their behavior has sided with the terrorists and become their moral accomplices.

Above all, it is pointless to explain this further October 7, 2023 Because those who wanted to know and understand have understood and understood, while the others, everyone else, have turned their heads the other way and will remain so, even at the risk of continuing to be influenced by an endless moral for the rest of their lives To spend time in torment, stiff-necked.

After all, if we think about it, they aren't even original. The Jewish people have encountered all kinds of people like them in their thousand-year history, they did not surprise us then, they do not surprise us now.

Michael Sfaradi, January 2, 2023

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