1664352975 Now look for Dante Alighieri on coins and you are

Now look for Dante Alighieri on coins and you are rich: PHOTOS 4Fan.it ​​​​​​4Fan.it

We are all burdened with the ever-increasing costs of our daily lives. The time of crisis that we are experiencing puts a strain on our resilience and forces us to make many small sacrifices in the hope that everything will turn rosy and bloom again.

In this serious situation, the possibility of putting aside a nice nest egg thanks to some rare coins cannot be underestimated: we are indeed in a moment where it is important to make money to fight the crisis and inflation better to meet. In this specific case, we are interested in the value of the 2 euro coin featuring Dante Alighieri, which can achieve astronomical sales figures.

The value of 2 euros with Dante Alighieri

It is not easy to understand the value of this coin, it is €2.00 coin from 2002 the reports, in the back face, the image of Dante Alighieri.

However, its peculiarity lies in the many embossing errors which are on both sides. The euro inscription has a bizarre position (the “O” is above the stars); There is a strange line on the map separating France from Spain. As we know, it’s this kind of special feature that drives the price up a lot.

In addition, the 12 stars meant to represent Europe are out of place and the leaves surrounding the great poet’s head are not, as tradition dictates, of laurel. The last peculiarity to pay attention to is the presence of numerous lines that pierce Dante’s face. After reviewing all the notable specifics, it seems right to me to tell you the value of this coin: it can go up 25 thousand euros: At a recent auction on the Internet, this was the number of sales. In short, let’s go in search of the rare currency, hoping to be lucky and be able to live this moment of general economic downturn in peace.