Nurse accused of killing seven newborns in England wrote diary blaming herself

“I’m evil, I did it”. Despite writing those words in 2016, nurse Lucy Letby denied killing seven newborns five boys and two girls in a Manchester court session on Tuesday. The defendants’ notes are used by prosecutors as evidence of their alleged crimes.

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“I don’t know if I killed her. Perhaps I have. Maybe that’s all for me,” the nurse said in another diary entry. Before the jury, however, the version told by Lucy Letby is different. In her statement, the British said she had never hurt a child and that working in the hospital was her life. She explained that the allegations she was receiving made her not want to live anymore.

According to the investigation, the crimes occurred between June 2015 and 2016 in the neonatal unit of the Countess of Chester Hospital in northwest England. She said she started working in the department after graduating. The nurse also stated that her diary reflects the state she was in in terms of mental stability when she received the allegations.

“I felt like I had to be responsible in some way. I think looking back now, I really struggled and that was a way of saying what I couldn’t say to anyone.”

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The jury has been hearing testimonies since October 2022. Among the charges, prosecutors say Lucy Letby killed two of the three newborn triplets 24 hours apart by injecting air into them soon after birth.

In the statement, the nurse denied all the allegations and said she would never harm a child in her care. Lucy explained that she did her best to take care of the newborns. Elsewhere, the defendant said her time in the hospital was “devastating.”

“It was just devastating and it changed my whole life,” he told the judges, according to People Magazine. “I was desperate, it changed my life. I was put in a nonclinical role that I didn’t like from a selfesteem standpoint, it made me question everything about myself.

Lucy Letby was arrested three times: in 2018, 2019 and 2020, since then she has been awaiting trial.