Nutritionist GABRIELA PEACOCK reveals science backed food secrets that may slow

Nutritionist GABRIELA PEACOCK reveals science-backed food secrets that may slow the aging process

When you see someone whose clear, wrinkle-free skin and youthful vitality seem to defy their true age, it’s easy to think “good genes.”

Although there is a strong genetic factor in the aging process, science shows that we can all do a lot to turn back time.

In yesterday’s Chron, I shared my innovative nutritional plan, which incorporates well-researched principles to promote enhanced renewal and repair in every cell in your body.

Follow the special two-week plan I’ve created for The Mail+, which includes the delicious recipes from yesterday’s Weekend magazine and today’s YOU magazine, plus many more, and you’ll be fueling your body with all the powerful nutrients it needs he needs to reverse the aging process.

The success of my plan is based on the scientific principles of putting your body into a mild form of cellular stress called “hormesis,” which triggers a chain of chemical reactions called “autophagy,” which cleverly speeds up the elimination of old cells and stimulates the production of new cells in order to increase resilience, energy levels, mental power and vitality.

I recommend carefully balanced days of calorie restriction and time-restricted eating

I recommend carefully balanced calorie-restricted and time-restricted days (reducing your eating window to eight hours a day).

I recommend carefully balanced days of calorie restriction and time-restricted eating (reducing your eating window to eight hours a day), as well as hot and cold therapies (saunas and cold showers) and regular exercise to induce a state of hormonal stress.

I also recommend filling your plate with plant-based foods like berries, arugula, kale, walnuts, green tea, and dark chocolate, which release their powerful, stress-busting polyphenols right into our cells.

Follow the guiding principles of my Lifestyle Plan and you will instantly slow the aging process, say goodbye to fatigue and illness, and start looking and feeling younger – fast.

But my new book, 2 Weeks To A Younger You, is also packed with tips and tricks to help you accelerate your age reversal journey. So if you really want to kick this plan into high gear, why not pick a few of my favorites? down and watch the years pass before your eyes?

Why mushrooms are a magic cure for stress

While targeted forms of beneficial stress form the foundation of my effective plan, it’s important to note that you can easily undo your progress if you let the wrong stressors take the spotlight.

Many of us live in a constantly bubbling state of emotional pressure that can be exhausting, miserable, and plays a huge part in the aging process.

Many types of mushrooms and some herbs (like ashwagandha) contain natural substances called

Many types of mushrooms and some herbs (like ashwagandha) contain natural substances called “adaptogens” that help our body to cope with stress and restore balance after a stressful situation

A constant rush of the stress hormone, cortisol, not only leads to an endless sense of anxiety and worry, it can affect everything from sleep quality and energy levels to hormonal balance, mental health, nutritional deficiencies and weight gain, all of which affect how the body functions body affect age.

Breathing exercises (such as inhaling for a count of four, holding for seven seconds, and then exhaling to eight) can be a great way to slow your heart rate and reduce anxiety if you’re prone to emotional distress, but if you’re prone to emotional stress, mushrooms — either in powder or in pill form of dietary supplements – can really help reduce the effects of aging.

Many types of mushrooms and some herbs (like ashwagandha) contain natural substances called “adaptogens” that help our body to cope with stress and restore balance after a stressful situation.

I love these mushrooms so much that I recently added them to my longevity supplement range.

Instead of pulling out the same basket of mushrooms every time you go grocery shopping, try different varieties on toast or as a side, and look out for medicinal mushrooms like shiitake, maitake, reishi, cordyceps, chaga, and lion’s mane.

These are a rich source of a compound called beta-glucan (a prebiotic that nourishes gut bacteria), which has powerful anti-inflammatory effects, reduces oxidative damage, and supports the immune system.

Protect your DNA with coffee and green tea

Caffeine can increase the body’s metabolism and stimulate the nervous system, which contributes to healthy weight loss by triggering the release of fatty acids from fat cells, improving focus and elevating mood.

Consuming moderate amounts of caffeine while intermittent fasting can also help reduce cravings and maintain energy levels.

Green tea and matcha are my favorite caffeinated teas because they come with a party bag full of sirtuin stimulants

Green tea and matcha are my favorite caffeinated teas because they come with a party bag full of sirtuin stimulants

However, to mitigate a potentially harmful spike in blood sugar, avoid drinking too much and try to always have it with a protein-rich snack or meal (don’t add milk or plant-based milk if you’re drinking coffee while fasting). Phase).

Coffee contains a high proportion of antioxidants, especially the polyphenol chlorogenic acid, and its many bioactive substances have anti-inflammatory effects, reduce insulin resistance and protect against cell damage.

When it comes to longevity, studies have shown that regular coffee and tea consumption can actually protect our DNA from neurodegeneration.

Green tea and matcha are my favorite caffeinated teas because they pack a party bag full of sirtuin stimulants (meaning they stimulate the sirtuin longevity genes in the body) and longevity-supporting antioxidants.

Here’s the good news: wine is good for you

I love a good glass of wine, so I will not recommend a ban on alcohol in my plan!

In fact, several studies suggest that mild alcohol consumption can be beneficial, and many super-age people live long and healthy lives, complemented by a few evening glasses of wine with dinner and with friends.

Science shows that not only does wine provide the benefits of a phytochemical called resveratrol (found in red wine), but it also brings with it the association of relaxation and socializing when spending time with loved ones.

Resveratrol is a powerful polyphenol that has been shown to activate sirtuin genes, reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, increase energy activity in our cells, boost metabolism, help balance blood sugar levels, and support healthy cognitive function. I drink to that!

To keep up the consumption during your eight-hour eating window, meet up with friends on the weekends and enjoy a glass of wine with lunch instead of an evening drink.

Just don’t overdo it. Alcohol can be sugary and full of empty calories, and too much can put extra strain on the liver, upsetting the body’s balance and negatively impacting the immune system, digestion, mood, sleep, and energy levels.

Also, too much of it can lead to weight gain, typically around the waist area. Which will undo your good efforts with my nutrition plan.

Enjoy the beneficial effects of a magnesium bath

A super quick way to significantly improve your sleep quality is to increase your magnesium intake.

Magnesium is the primary sleep nutrient.

As nature’s relaxant, it performs numerous tasks around the body, including reducing anxiety, stress, and high blood pressure.

Magnesium deficiency is a common problem, so increasing your intake can produce amazing results.

Try to eat magnesium-rich foods (dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, chard, cavolo nero, nuts and seeds, grains like buckwheat and quinoa, beans, chickpeas, lentils, and 70% dark chocolate) and around bedtime to strengthen, take a relaxing bath in magnesium chloride flakes.

If you’re still having a hard time relaxing, a bedtime snack of a slice of turkey and a couple spoonfuls of cottage cheese or plain live yogurt will provide a boost of the amino acid tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin that calms the brain and helps you sleep.

Fish skin and algae? They are snack heaven…

  • Fish skin is rich in anti-inflammatory fatty acids. Crisp in the oven or in a skillet until crispy and toss with salt and olive oil.
  • Boost your omega-3 intake by sprinkling hempseed, flaxseed, or pumpkin seed oil over salads or as a dip for raw foods.
  • Swap chips for olives — they’re high in oleic acid, which activates longevity enzymes.
  • Consume seaweed fertilizers to increase iodine levels, which help the body synthesize thyroid hormones, boost metabolism and energy production, and improve cognitive clarity and focus.

A happy gut means a happy life

Mild digestive problems could affect your ability to absorb beneficial nutrients and lead to increased levels of inflammation in your body (which speed up the aging process). So, by taking a few steps to keep your gut healthy, you can maximize the benefits of this plan. Try my FOUR-R protocol:

Mild digestive problems could affect your ability to absorb beneficial nutrients and lead to increased levels of inflammation in your body

Mild digestive problems could affect your ability to absorb beneficial nutrients and lead to increased levels of inflammation in your body

REMOVE Identify potential dietary triggers (common triggers include eggs, gluten, dairy and grains, processed meats, refined carbohydrates, sugary foods and beverages, excess alcohol and trans fats) and remove any foods that you think are causing a problem could, and see if it does Digestion improves. If not, keep going until you find the culprit.

REPLACE Aid your digestion and boost digestive enzyme levels by incorporating bitter foods like arugula, radicchio, artichokes, chicory, dandelion greens and apple cider vinegar into your diet.

REINOCULATE Improve the balance of beneficial bacteria in your gut and restore a healthy microbiota by increasing your intake of prebiotics like leeks, onions, asparagus, bananas, garlic, oats, nuts, seeds and strawberries. You might also want to try a probiotic like live plain yogurt, kefir, kombucha, or sauerkraut. Alternatively, you can take a probiotic supplement. Look for a ten billion CFU strain of a multi-stem strain.

REPAIR Support digestive tract healing by increasing L-glutamine levels in foods (chicken, beans, spinach, cabbage, fish, tofu, dairy, lentils) and foods rich in omega-3: oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel ), seeds etc nuts. Also supplement your diet with phytonutrient-rich berries, red peppers and beetroot.

Essential nutritional supplements to accelerate your progress

Dietary supplements support the good effects of a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle and ensure that the nutrient content is increased. I couldn’t love them more – so much so that I’ve developed my own line of nutritional supplements ( – and regularly prescribe them to my clients along with nutritional advice. Think of supplements as a support network: When taken in conjunction with a healthy diet, these concentrated nutrients can produce significant biochemical improvements in the body.

Found in many plants like apples, onions, parsley, and tea, this antioxidant flavonoid has been shown to support our cells'

Found in many plants like apples, onions, parsley, and tea, this antioxidant flavonoid has been shown to support our cells’ “battery chargers.”

  • Multivitamin Take a quality multinutrient as a base for comprehensive support and an excellent foundation for overall health. This protects against a deficiency in a nutrient that causes an aging cascade effect throughout the body.
  • B Complex The B molecules play a key role in supporting the body’s energy production cycle and metabolism, keeping us focused and feeling full of vitality. There is exciting research showing the effects of niacin or vitamin B3, which helps convert nutrients into energy, repairs DNA, and exerts antioxidant effects. A good B vitamin complex (tablet or capsule) provides a far more effective boost than an artificial energy drink.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar One tablespoon each morning helps balance blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, both of which contribute to healthy weight loss. It also supports liver function and digestive health by normalizing gastric pH and promoting healthy gut microflora. Try mixing together 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1/4 teaspoon of ground turmeric, 200 ml (7 fl oz) of warm water, a dash of agave syrup, and a pinch of cayenne pepper and drinking it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Resveratrol A ‘sirt food’ found in the skins of dark grapes and red wine. To really boost resveratrol levels (which would require more wine than even I could drink), try taking it in supplement form at a recommended dose of 250-500mg daily. Cutting-edge research is also unveiling nutrients that target specific longevity pathways in the body by activating sirtuin genes that are so important in reversing the aging process. While it’s still in its infancy, it’s an incredibly exciting and progressive area of ​​scientific research.
  • Quercetin This antioxidant flavonoid, found in many plants like apples, onions, parsley, and tea, has been shown to support the “battery chargers” in our cells, helping to repair damaged DNA, reduce inflammation, activate longevity genes, and cleanse old cells.
  • Spermidine is another plant-based antioxidant known to stimulate the process of cell repair and renewal known as autophagy.
  • Astaxanthin An antioxidant carotenoid found in red algae. It has been shown to upregulate autophagy, be a potent anti-inflammatory, preserve brain cells, reduce oxidative stress, and support mitochondrial function in cells.
  • Berberine is a bioactive compound found in plants and has been shown to help balance blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, thereby supporting healthy weight loss. It has antimicrobial properties that improve gut flora and reduce premature cell aging.
  • Adapted from 2 Weeks To A Younger You: Secrets To Living Longer And Feeling Fantastic by Gabriela Peacock, published by Kyle Books on 25th May for £25. © Gabriela Peacock 2023. To order a copy for £20 (offer valid until 03/06/23; free UK postage on orders over £25), visit or call 020 3176 2937.