OBB connects Berlin and Paris with night trains via Brussels

ÖBB connects Berlin and Paris with night trains via Brussels

The ÖBB Nightjet will initially be used three times a week. From October onwards it will be possible to drive daily. The connection is provided and distributed by all participating railway companies in Belgium, Germany and France.

The Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) now ensures that the two most important EU capitals, Paris and Berlin, are once again connected by a night train. ÖBB operates the link in cooperation with the French and German railways SNFC and Deutsche Bahn as well as the Belgian NMBS/SNCB. Trains travel through the EU capital Brussels.

The ÖBB Nightjet will initially be used three times a week. The connection is operated and sold by all railway companies involved. From October 2024, circulation will be daily. For ten years there was no night train between Paris and Berlin. On Monday evening, the new connection will be ceremoniously launched by honored guests, including ÖBB boss Andreas Matthä. ÖBB is today considered the leading railway company for night rail connections in Europe.

However, the relatively high prices could be a setback for fans of the new night train between Berlin and Paris, writes German news agency dpa. The cheapest offer for a trip in early January currently costs just under 45 euros per person, but for a seat booked in second class. In couchette cars, prices vary between just under 100 euros (bed in a compartment with six couchettes) and more than 600 euros (private couchette compartment). From December 11th, a trip in a sleeping car with beds costs between 165 euros for a trip in a compartment with three beds and up to 475 euros for a compartment with one bed. (APA)