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OECD and Southeast Asia see new paths in sustainable investing

The issue was analyzed at the 2023 Ministerial Forum organized by Vietnam and Australia in their capacity as co-chairs of the entity’s Southeast Asia Regional Program, which just took place in this capital.

Although this geographical area offers many advantages for attracting foreign direct investment, it is no less true that it also faces a number of challenges, especially in attracting financing for sustainable and high-quality projects, said Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang the day before.

Speaking at the forum, the senior government official highlighted what he considered to be the key directions for promoting greater investment cooperation between the two regions, citing among them the promotion of policy advice, technical assistance and exchange of experience in institution creation.

It is important to create reasons to promote cooperation in key emerging areas such as the energy transition, green growth, the digital economy, the circular economy and organic agriculture, he stressed.

Luu Quang insisted that stakeholders should join forces to create platforms for high-quality and sustainable investments in the region, while calling for the relentless consolidation of a peaceful and stable environment as an important factor in promoting cooperation.

For his part, OECD Secretary General Mathias Cormamn agreed with the other heads of delegations present in reaffirming the strategic importance of the Southeast Asia region in the OECD’s global policy.

In this spirit, and as reported by the VNA news agency, they are committed to supporting the countries of Southeast Asia to promote inclusive, sustainable and high-quality investments and promote green transition and digital transformation for inclusive and sustainable development.

Since 2007, the OECD has strongly promoted cooperation with this region and considers it a strategic priority.

At Japan’s initiative, the OECD Southeast Asia Program was launched in 2014, which has already achieved a number of important results and whose aim is to support the economic reform of the countries in this geographical area through the exchange of experiences on economic growth. sustainable and inclusive in 13 areas.
