On BBB 24 Yasmin Brunet complains about food intimidation Its

On BBB 24, Yasmin Brunet complains about food intimidation: “It’s terrible TV

In BBB 24's Xepa kitchen, Yasmin Brunet was chatting with her colleagues when she decided to cut a piece of candy to eat. The sister then observed the looks of Rodriguinho, Lucas Luigi and Nizam Hayeke and said: “Every time I touch food, you three look at me. This is terrible.” Embarrassed, she promised to eat something from her tantrum colleagues.

“It’s terrible how much you eat,” Nizam had the courage to say, making fun of the situation. “I’m just kidding,” he said next. “We love you Yasmin, it won’t stay that way,” the account manager added. The model explained: “And I'll keep eating even if you're at Xepa, I'll eat your food now just to be naughty.”

The brother understood that she meant that he would go out onto the wall. “Wow, are you saying I'm leaving?” The model then replied: “No, I'm going to eat your egg. I’ll eat your bread, your pasta, you’ll see.”

However, the dialogue revealed that the girl is uncomfortable with others monitoring her binge eating. She has spoken about it before and even asked Rodriguinho to stop making jokes about her diet. Her mother, Luiza Brunet, even took to social media to call for the abolition of the pagodeiro.

Soon after the first days of the reality show, the blonde had to suffer from criticism from her colleagues. O TV news He spoke at the time with nutritionist Ana Luisa Vilela, who warned and said that Pagodeiro's speeches outside of prison were very common.

The specialist even explained that to help a person under duress, one needs empathy and respect attitudes that Rodriguinho appears to be unaware of, and Nizam showed the same behavior in this Saturday's episode (20).

Binge eating is the process of eating more in excessive amounts at unusual times. One of the diagnostic criteria is waking up at night to eat. There are people who take laxatives, who do things to compensate, while others become sad when they realize they don't need all that food.