On the left they are fighting an F 35 and

On the left they are fighting, an F 35 and Kevin Costner are lost: That’s why today…

-Nel USAMore specifically, an F-35 crashed in South Carolina, where no one knows where, and the US Army had to ask citizens for information if they saw it. This means that you lose an aircraft worth 80 million euros in your country and cannot find it immediately. It took them 24 hours to find some of the rubble. If I were a pilot, I wouldn’t feel as comfortable getting involved in war scenarios.

– “Peace without freedom means oppression and peace without justice means dictatorship. Moscow must understand this,” said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz from the gallery of the General AssemblyU.N. in New York. In principle I agree. And of course not just for Ukraine. But since the beginning of the world wars, if they don’t see a “winner,” they usually end up with a “peace treaty,” a truce that puts a compromise on paper. Isn’t this the best solution based on the principle of freedom? Secure. But sometimes we have to be pragmatic and ask ourselves whether and for how long it makes sense to hold out in a conflict that inevitably brings death and destruction.

– Historic meeting of the United Nations with Zelensky And Lavrov more or less in the same room. Usual proclamations. Usual contradictory accusations. Meetings are great for headlines, but for the time being they bring little peace.

– That the Melons Whether the migration emergency was self-inflicted just to be able to raise the tone on immigration, as Boldrini & Co claim, seems so idiotic to me that it would even be pointless to comment on it. But we have to. I want to point out to the left that voters voted center-right to “solve” the refugee crisis, not to have 100,000 asylum seekers on their backs.

– Istituto Luce, go away. Hear what news outlets are reporting about the visit Giuseppe Conte in Lampedusa: “Pennette with sauce and parmesan. Here is the menu that Ms. Teresa Giardina, the pensioner who fed a small group of migrants during the great emergency in Lampedusa, offered to the leader of the M5.” It seems that the former Prime Minister “listened for a long time” and of the story was “deeply impressed”. He, leader of the party that created the definition of “Sea taxi“ and who signed the Salvini decrees. Meh…

– There was a new one Black smoke from the European debate on the reform of asylum law. Well, gentlemen: we have been talking about immigration for almost ten years and Brussels promises us miracles that always don’t happen. Here we need to change the score. And do it yourself. Because there are no agreements and no “Ursula plans” that can really make a difference. The cases of Minniti and Merkel, the former able to “trade” with the Libyan tribal leaders and the latter to force the EU to pay Erdogan, show this: we need facts, not declarations of intent.

– It appears that Elly Schlein wants to transform the Democratic Party into a “movement,” with the opening of the pavilions, with online referendums on the program and summers full of militants. In practice, the new Democrat secretary wants to turn the Democratic Party into a new M5S, just as Giuseppe Conte is trying to turn the Five Star Movement into a party. Timon the mongoose would say: Did I miss something?

Kevin Costner and his ex-wife Christine Baumgartner find an “amicable” solution to their divorce: He will give her about $63,000 every blessed month. Now I’ll try to ask my wife about it as soon as she gets home: let’s see if she’s just as friendly.

– Everyone is talking about the alleged quarrels in the center-right party, with Salvini’s allegations, among other things Ursula von der Leyen (aligned, it seems, with Meloni). But the truth is, they’re giving themselves a beating on the left side. But bad. Conte claims that there are “disagreements” with the Democratic Party on many points as they want the “third way” while the Democrats call for “indiscriminate inclusion”. The Democrats are seething with anger and accuse Conte of pseudo-legalism and “populist outbursts”. Result: The only alliance that could allow the broader center-left to unsettle the center-right, i.e. an M5S-PD union, seems further away than ever.