On TV he gropes a reporter Man arrested in Spain

On TV he gropes a reporter: Man arrested in Spain for sexual assault

On TV he gropes a reporter Man arrested in Spain

Spanish police have arrested a man on suspicion in Madrid “Sexual Assault” against a reporter while the victim was involved in a television call. This was reported by the police’s social media channels. The Cuatro television station, for which the attacked journalist works, reconstructed the dynamics of the incident and showed various images of the incident. The reporter, her name is Isa BaladoHe followed a theft case live in a shop in the Madrid district Lavapieson behalf of the program “En boca de todos”.

At that moment, according to the television images, the person who was later arrested approached her from behind, touched her butt and asked her: “What channel are you on?” Faced with this situation, the host of the program is Nacho Abad disconnected while Cuatro’s managers called the police. As later images from the station itself show, the man accused of the attack remained nearby in the minutes that followed. “He continues to disrupt everyone in front of him,” Balado said in a subsequent link. “What was previously ‘normal’ is no longer normal. “Our country’s reputation is enough to guarantee the right to sexual freedom for all women,” the Equal Opportunities Minister commented on the episode on Twitter Irene Montero, “Stop Impunity.” Messages of solidarity for Balado were also received on social media from several professional colleagues.

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