ON VIDEO Woman runs over her husband and lover

ON VIDEO | Woman runs over her husband and lover with her car

Footage was released Tuesday showing a woman hitting her husband and lover with her car.

In 2021, 38-year-old Christie Lee Kennedy caught her husband kissing a woman when he told her he was picking up their children from daycare.

Then the mother from Australia accelerated towards the couple at the wheel of her BMW SUV before braking.

She beat her husband David Larkin and his lover Zowie Noring and threw them both in the street.

The video then shows Ms Kennedy getting out of her vehicle to hit Ms Noring, calling her a “fat doll” and a “bitch”.

Last month, Judge Paul Smith sentenced Ms. Kennedy to nine months in prison for the two offenses, followed by a full two-year probation period.

“You are obviously an excellent worker and a very good mother and it is really unfortunate that you have committed this offence, but I firmly believe that this offense is not your habit and it is unlikely that you would deal with anything like this will be committed again.” Judge Smith said.

Ms. Kennedy was ordered to pay her ex-husband and wife Noring nearly $4,500 in compensation. She has two weeks to pay the full $9,000 or faces a month in jail.

The court found that the couple had suffered physical and mental damage as a result of the accident.

Mrs. Kennedy was suspended from driving for nine months.