One dead after food scandal in Hesse Inland News

One dead after food scandal in Hesse

Four sick people. One of them so bad he died.

This is the sad result of a food scandal in Hesse. Severe hygiene deficiencies and lack of controls have led to infections with listeriosis, reports WELT am SONNTAG.

According to this, those affected were infected between October 2021 and January 2022. The fault lies with a fruit and vegetable company in southern Hesse. The public prosecutor in Darmstadt is investigating.

The company is said to have delivered sliced ​​cucumbers, which went to hospitals, among others. There, patients ate them as a side salad. At least two of those affected would have been infected during a hospital stay.

According to its own statements, WamS has an expert opinion from the Hessian food safety department, which accuses the company of serious hygienic deficiencies. Among other things, these are rat droppings and mold in production, as well as standing puddles due to insufficient water drainage. The Ministry of Consumer Affairs of Hesse confirmed the defect report to BILD.

The veterinary office in Gross-Gerau is responsible for the operation. The company is said to have not verified this for two years – although at least one audit per year is required. The district admitted that it had not properly monitored the operation.

“We have been in talks with the district to be able to provide better support in the future. A case like this should not be repeated”, says Ira Spriestersbach of the Hesse Ministry of Consumer Protection, when questioned by BILD.

In mid-February, the Hessian authorities became aware of the food scandal and closed operations. The company concerned did not respond to a request from WamS.

Listeria are food germs that are generally harmless to healthy people. However, they can be fatal for risk groups, which include pregnant women, the elderly and people with previous illnesses.