One hundred bodies are found in a kibbutz attacked by

One hundred bodies are found in a kibbutz attacked by Hamas

At least one hundred bodies were found in Kibbutz Be’eri (photo) in southern Israel after the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas invaded there on Saturday (7).Folha reported based on Israeli media reports.

The information comes from the Zaka volunteer rescue group, which warned that the death toll could be even higher.

Located near the Gaza Strip, the kibbutz was home to around a thousand residents and was founded in 1946 as part of a strategic plan to help the future Israeli state resist a possible Egyptian invasion.

According to reports from local residents, the kibbutz was completely destroyed during the terrorist offensive. Other surrounding communities also fell victim to attacks, but managed to drive out the invaders. One example was Kibbutz Nir Am, about 500 meters from Gaza.

In an interview with the local newspaper Times of Israel, Ami Rabin, former security coordinator at Nir Am, reported that the terrorists appeared to have confused the entrance to the kibbutz with that of a poultry farm. However, after hearing gunshots, the kibbutz guards managed to act quickly and shot two of the intruders.

“We were alert, prepared and effective, but we were also very lucky that the attempt to enter the kibbutz was poorly carried out,” Rabin said, adding that no Nir Am residents were injured.

Another community near the Gaza Strip called Ein Habsor managed to drive out an even larger number of terrorists who were better armed, according to a report by Noam Gotliv, one of the residents. “What happened to us was part surveillance, part miracle,” he said.