One hundred people gather to save a specimen at sea

One hundred people gather to save a specimen at sea, the incredible VIDEO NanoPress Travel

They come together to save a specimen: it happened at sea. A nice story that can also count on a video testimony.

Humans save a specimenPeople save a specimen –

In this historic time marked by the economic crisis, war and all the social and personal consequences of the pandemic, we all need good news. That’s why it’s always nice to read solidarity stories like today’s. Especially because when listening to the news, it is often not the order of the day to come across events with such a happy ending. In this case, the protagonists are several people and the rescue of an animal.

They come together to save a specimen and it happened

It is fair to say that on occasions like this it is nice to have social networks and modern technologies. Otherwise we would not have been able to see it with our own eyes nice solidarity page.

A hundred people who They come together to save a specimen, would you believe it? Fortunately, we can see everything thanks to this beautiful video that a user recorded and posted on YouTube. The story is instant quickly became known and went around the world.

Where are we? On Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Cape Cod, or Capo Cod in Italian, is a beautiful peninsula located very close to Boston and directly facing the Atlantic Ocean. Geographically, it lies between Barnstable County and Plymouth County. For Americans, it is one of the top vacation destinations.

They come together to save a specimenThey come together to save a specimen –

Credit for the many sports that can be practiced there, especially fishing and sailing. Just remember that this is where the CMYC school is located, a renowned sailing school. If you are fascinated by lighthouses, Cape Cod has several, some of which are probably the oldest in the United States.

Many of these are still operational and managed by the local Coast Guard. Only the Nauset Lighthouse is owned by the Nauset Light Preservation Society. And it is on one of these beautiful beaches that today’s story takes place that tells from the incredible rescue of a shark!

The rescue of the shark by a hundred people

Unbelievable and yet it is so. A great gesture of generosity from these bathers who put their fear aside to help an animal in need. The shark is one of the most feared species in the water and one of the deadliest species in the world.

The video starts right at the moment of rescue, so it’s not clear how and why the animal got to shore. Maybe hurt or temporarily confused. In any case, it didn’t seem possible to get back into the water. We recognize that these animals do not tolerate life outside of their natural habitat and that their health can deteriorate rapidly.

Cape CodCape Cod –

So what to do? As this exciting video shows, Up to a hundred people immediately rush to help the shark. Armed with buckets, bathers begin dumping whole buckets of water to maintain contact with the water and not let it suffer from the heat. Considering the size of the animal, this is a massive undertaking.

After what seemed like an infinity of time, and it certainly felt that way to the poor shark, the humans begin helping each other pull the animal to get it back into the water. A feat that would have proved unsuccessful if it weren’t for the fact that there were so many people who despised the danger and feared being bitten, perhaps for fear of the shark.

In the end, they are all successful together in the company. A beautiful story with a happy ending and a very important testimony of great solidarity and how people, when they act with good intentions, You can do the impossible. We therefore hope that the intervention of these brave swimmers was enough to ensure the shark’s survival and that it was able to set sail again in peace.