One man dies and 9 people are injured at Nattanzinho

One man dies and 9 people are injured at Nattanzinho and Xand show

One man died and nine people were injured after a shootout in the early hours of this Saturday (11/12) shortly after a concert by Xand Avião at the Comércio Esporte Clube in Floriano, 244 km south of Teresina. Nattanzinho, who would take the stage shortly after, spoke.

According to G1, a fight would have started at 2am and ended with the shooting. The man who died was found with a gun at his waist and another at his side.

Photo of Nattanzinho during the showSinger Nattanzinho

Singer NattanzinhoReproduction/Instagram

Color photo by NattanzinhoNattanzinhoCantorAdvertisement by partner Metrópoles 1WhatsAppImage20220817at16.36.561Nattanzinho singer

Nattanzinho is only 21 years old, but he is already popular throughout Brazil and has a busy concert calendar

Xand Plane (Reproduction: Instagram)Xand Plane (Reproduction: Instagram)

Xand Plane Xand Plane (Reproduction: Instagram)

Metropolis 2 affiliate advertisingPhoto of Xand Plane during the concertSinger Xand Plane

Xand PlanePlayback/Instagram


Nattanzinho explained that the shooting happened before he took the stage. “I didn’t even go on stage, it was before I went on stage, I heard the shooting already. God willing, everyone will be fine. I’m still here talking to people to find out what really happened. I hope nobody gets hurt,” said the owner of the hit Tem Cabaré Esta Noite.

Stay indoors!

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