1699414356 One month since the Hamas massacre and the false myth

One month since the Hamas massacre and the false myth of the two states Nicola Porro

Israel-Palestine War

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A month has passed since the massacre in Sderot and in the kibbutzim on the border with Israel Gaza Strip and since then too many events have followed each other. Siddhartha said: “Three things cannot remain hidden for long: the moon, the sun and the truth.” Therefore, it is never too late to shed light on the darkness. I would like to try to contribute in my own small way and after the necessary checks I can correct a message that was spread by left-wing sources immediately after the October 7 massacre, namely that only thirty percent of the ministers of The Netanyahu government deployed the military. Typical example of the instrumental use of a fake, deliberately created because out of 37 ministers only three were not wearing the uniform of the Israeli army.

It was a false, certainly ideological criticism, also voiced by important names in Italian and international journalism of the time, e.g Israel and for the whole world, one of the most delicate since the end of the Second World War. These gentlemen, for example, I won’t mention any names here so as not to stir up direct controversy that doesn’t interest me, have forgotten that Ben-GurionPrime Minister during the War of Independence in 1948, Golda Meir, Prime Minister during the Yom Kippur War in 1973 and Shimon Peresmultiple Prime Minister and Defense Minister (he was the one who approved the mission to Entebbe), had not served in the military.

These gentlemen, I said, have forgotten that it was precisely the Israeli left Only after he lost the elections and appointed Begin Sharon as defense minister did he begin to criticize the presence of former soldiers in the government. But as we know, the left is allowed to do anything: twist, forget and shovel dirt. Even in emergencies. Even if there is a war going on. This month I heard many experts talking about the Middle East and it became clear to me that the information problem is a kind of multi-headed Gordian knot, at one end of which is ideology, at the second is attention to evaluations, and at the third is the will of someone who must pass on the message he likes, and in the fourth a deep ignorance what the Middle East is about. Here we eat chickpea hummus with pita, not sophisticated sushi. It goes without saying that in this knot the truth is strangled and strangled.

These experts, politicians, journalists, etc. continue to tell the story the joke of two peoples and two states although this chimera has already been shipwrecked some time ago, namely since Arafat, after the signing of the Oslo Accords, rejected all offers, even the most absurd ones, and Abu Mazen, his loyal landlord, did the same. They even rejected the division of Jerusalem when they could have had the capital on the Arab side, they rejected the well-being of their people, only to follow the dream of destroying us and our nation.

A few days after the attack on the synagogue in Rome in October 1982, Herbert Pagani published “Arringa per la mia terra”. Where he said, among other things: “I am a Palestinian from 2,000 years ago, I am the oldest oppressed person in the world, I am ready to discuss with them, but not to give them the land that I worked, especially since there is room for two peoples and two nations over there.” 41 years have passed and nothing of that dream has been achieved, despite the Nobel Peace Prize, the fanfare, the rich prizes and the cotillions. AND Anyone who blames Israel for this is ignorant or in bad faith, because if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck.

Too many people talk as if the pogrom we suffered on October 7th was a small thing, and to this day I have not heard of any of these experts who had the courage to say what everyone in Israel now knows, which is this The world before October 7, 2023 no longer exists. This is because, I repeat, there were such entire families destroyed kidnapped in cold blood from houses, circumcised in the streets and killed on the sidewalks for everyone to see. Women were gang-raped and analized before being torn to pieces in front of their husbands and children. They were then tied up and burned alive. Not to mention the torture a pregnant woman was subjected to cut open while awake and the fetus stabbed. Don’t ask about the sources, because there are statements about this particular fact from those who reassembled the bodies.

No one had the courage to say that while all this was happening on the streets of Gaza, news was spreading that Hamas had invaded our cities, hundreds of civilians were pouring into temporarily occupied Israeli territory and They looted everything they could find, or they danced in the streets of Gaza City to the rhythm of Allah Ahbar. The same ones who always celebrated the attacks against us with sweets and candies, the same ones who threw fireworks into the air at the funerals of the victims of the same attacks.

All Israeli governments have been looking for a solution to the conflict from the day of the Declaration of Independence until October 6, 2023, a solution that never existed and never will until the Messiah comes who will bring peace on earth to people in good faith. When I interviewed Israel Hasson, a former parliamentarian and former Shin Bet number two who was part of the peace negotiating commissions for the Oslo and Camp David Accords, told me what happened. He took a piece of paper and wrote: We want recognition of Israel’s right to exist, not recognition of Israel. Now write down your wishes.” It seems like a small question, but it is fundamental because Recognizing Israel alone would leave the problem open. When the Palestinian representatives read “Israel’s Right to Exist,” they turned the paper over and sent it back.

End of the negotiation. This means that for the Palestinians it is not a territorial issue and they make no secret of it: they want everything, from the Jordan to the sea, without Jews. A Jew-free area, free from Jews or judenrein, purely from Jews. They could have had many, and in the end they will have nothing. Last thing: Don’t trust Abu MazenHe still has many grandchildren to enrich.

Michael Sfaradi, November 7, 2023

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