One of Latin America39s oldest men dies a few days

One of Latin America's oldest men dies a few days before his 119th birthday: what was his secret?

The departure of Jesus Elias Loaiza, just a week away from reaching the impressive mark of 119 years, has plunged his entire community into melancholy. This humble man led an existence that surpassed any common framework of longevity, marked by Purity of life in the country. His life was distinguished not only by the number of years lived, but also by their quality, which was characterized by the absence of illness and uncomplicated happiness.

As he himself said in an interview in 2020, his routine began at 4 a.m. when he got up to make coffee and watch the sunrise before starting his day in the garden.

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Where did Jesús Elías Loaiza, one of the oldest men in Latin America, come from?

Jesus Elías Loaiza ArenasProud of Amalfi, Antiochnever left this community where his parents, Don Miguel Loaiza and Doña Rosalía Arenas, gave him life.

It was in the village of El Zacatín where he and his wife Hermelina, together for more than 7 decades, raised her 11 children and watched them grow up. Today their descendants number over 170 members, including grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.

On the other hand, the death of his wife in September 2023 at the age of 91 deeply affected Elías, who was immersed in deep grief until his own death.

Jesus Elías Loaiza |  Colombia |  older manDon Jesus Elias Loaiza together with his wife Hermelina. Photo: imgur

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When was Jesús Elías Loaiza, the oldest man in Antioquia, born?

Elijah came into this world on February 22, 1905in a very different time than today, when he witnessed Colombia's changing political, social and technological landscapes throughout his life, always preserving his rural nature and its connection to the earth.

Jesus Elías Loaiza |  Colombia |  older manDon Jesús' death occurred a few days before his 119th birthday, which he always celebrated with a dance with his family and a brandy in his hand. Photo: The Colombian

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What was the secret of Jesús Elías Loaiza, who was almost 119 years old?

Elías Loaiza's longevity fascinated and raised questions the secret of such a long life. As he suggested in an interview with El Colombiano, the key was inside “The good life and work”a philosophy he espoused every day for as long as he could remember.

The farmer cannot live without his small land. The day that happens, you feel like you're dying inside, even though you're still very much alive.“he also explained to the newspaper Antioquia.

His life was a testament not only to the importance of physical work, but also to serenity and joy. I woke up early at 4:00 a.m. every day, he bathed with rainwater, got dressed and went to work in his garden. He ended his day at 6:00 p.m., always with a hot coffee every now and then a cigarette.

Jesus Elías Loaiza |  Colombia |  older manThis rhythm of life, Away from excess and close to nature, coupled with his love for the country, seems to have been the elixir of life not only long, but also full. Photo: LR-Komposition / El Colombiano / TripAdvisor