One Piece and the Message of Violence Against Women We

One Piece and the Message of Violence Against Women: We Apologize Everyeye Anime

On Sunday, November 12th, we published content related to an episode of sexual violence suffered by a character in the One Piece manga. An event that we treated completely wrong: we want to apologize for what happened without looking for justification. However, we want to talk about what we will do to prevent similar mistakes from happening again.

I would like to reiterate that as a company, but also personally, I deeply apologize for what happened and for the content published. It is the first time that I write a note of this kind and I do so because I strongly believe that this content is the furthest thing from our way of thinking and that there are no extenuating circumstances.

We are ashamed, just as the author of the text is ashamed, not only for the senseless and censored approach to the content (which started from a terrible fact such as sexual violence, which should not be the basis of such content), but above all for one phrase appearing in the text. The fact is certainly serious and the author of this content is currently banned from writing news on

What are we going to do to prevent it from happening again?

We will strengthen control humanwhich failed in this case e We will work to improve our automatic control system which blocks the publication of content based on certain conditions. In fact, this system exists, but it was not properly adapted to issues such as sexual violence.

We told the team again of freelance journalists say that sexual violence-related content is not a topic we want to cover in the news. If we deal with it, we will do so with dedicated articles, cared for by several people, with the time and methods that the complexity of the subject requires.

By reiterating my personal apology and that of the entire team, I assure you that we will do our best to ensure that mistakes like this never happen again.