Oneyearold baby dies after stepmother administers acetone RICcombr

Oneyearold baby dies after stepmother administers acetone

An 18monthold baby died after being fed batteries, screws and acetone. The case was registered in Pennsylvania (USA) in June 2023, but the suspect was only arrested on Thursday (10).

Aleisia Owens, the child's stepmother, was arrested on suspicion of murdering Iris Rita Alfera. Aleisia was the one who took the baby to the emergency room. She told police that the girl hit her head when she fell out of bed.

However, the autopsy revealed that Iris had ingested screws, batteries and acetone months before her death. The report states that the child died due to fatal levels of acetone in his blood.

A search of Aleisia's phone revealed that she was looking for information about household products that could cause serious harm or death to a child.

Police noted that they had also researched beauty products that are toxic to children and medications that can cause death in children through accidental poisoning.

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