only 33 of Americans support them

only 33% of Americans support them


Dems uproar over midterm elections

The numbers freeze the Democrats, who are growing nervous about the midterm elections in November. A test vote that sees liberals, hostage to the far left, risk losing control of Congress, further complicating Biden’s job in the last two years of the presidency. Despite all the energy focused on foreign policy and the invasion of Ukraine, the White House is careful not to lose sight of internal problems.

Economically weak

But the Americans see things differently and accuse Biden of not doing enough to counteract the high prices, which are draining wallets and reducing purchasing power. The measures taken so far to protect the economy from galloping inflation are not seen as sufficient: more needs to be done, that’s the mantra that unites Democratic and Conservative voters. And when Republicans press the White House over energy, accusing him of being one of the reasons for high gas prices, Democrats point the finger at the president for breaking campaign promises of a green transition. Indeed, the rise in oil prices has forced the Biden administration to put aside green ambitions and push back towards fossil fuels to help deal with a global energy crisis.

Energy transition stopped due to high prices

A change of course not appreciated by young liberals who are becoming increasingly alienated from a party that cannot represent them and who, in their opinion, is once again choosing the interests of a few to the detriment of the community and the planet. Inflation, the economy and, to some extent, the environment are the areas where Biden performs worst in the polls.

Biden performs slightly better on Ukraine front

The President, on the other hand, fares slightly better on Ukraine: the White House’s response to the war is approved by 39% of respondents in the Quinnipiac poll. Americans are concerned about the Russian invasion amid fears that after 17 years in Afghanistan and as the pandemic rages on, the United States could be drawn back into the conflict. To try to regain consensus in the face of a deadlocked economic agenda in Congress, Biden is engaged in a nationwide offensive. The entire Democrat machinery has also rolled out in support of the President, but they are struck by the long absence of Donald Trump, the number one enemy who has been able to keep the donkey party together in recent years.


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