1687752036 Operation quotWuambashuquot quotEverything was done according to the rulesquotassures

Operation "Wuambashu" : "Everything was done according to the rules"assures the Senator of Mayotte Thani Mohamed Soilihi

The elected representative of the presidential majority affirmed that in the destroyed slums “people in an illegal situation” were “displaced” and the remaining residents were “relocated”.

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Published on 06/25/2023 16:33

Reading time: 1 min

Houses in Koungou (Mayotte) were destroyed as part of the operation "Wuambashu"June 19, 2023. (CHAFION MADI / AFP)

Houses destroyed in Koungou (Mayotte) as part of Operation Wuambushu, June 19, 2023. (CHAFION MADI / AFP)

“Everything was carried out within the framework of the rules of French law,” Mayotte Senator Thani Mohamed Soilihi assured franceinfo on Sunday June 25, two months after the start of the “Wuambushu” operation against crime, illegal immigration and unsanitary housing. “The main purpose of this operation is to reassure the Mahorais,” added the elected representative of the Progressive and Independent Democrat Rally as the Home Secretary delivered a first assessment in the department this weekend.

>>> Operation Wuambushu in Mayotte: A month after the demolition of the Talus 2 slum, its former residents are “scattered” and “hopeless”

For Thani Mohamed Soilihi, the “Wuambushu” operation aimed to “show that the republic is there, that we are doing these things according to the rules and not illegally.” “People in an illegal situation” had been “displaced” and that for the rest of the residents “all had been relocated”.

He also points out that illegal immigration has come to a standstill with this action: “Three times fewer boats than usual are arriving.” At the next military programming law, Thani Mohamed Soilihi is pleased to see the arrival of “an increased number of interceptors”. . The police will also be equipped with more drones and the army will patrol Mayotte more intensively. “All this to prevent new arrivals,” said the senator from Mayotte.

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