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Organ trafficking: Fake news on social networks causes concern in Quebec –

A worrying rumor about organ trafficking in Quebec circulating on social networks forces Quebec police to clarify the matter to deny this false report.

In recent days, publications about a possible organ theft in Quebec have been widely shared on social networks, particularly on TikTok and Instagram.

Some internet users claim an organ thief found his victim on the dating app Tinder. The person would have suggested donating blood as a first meeting before going out for drinks.

“A girl woke up in a disgusting kidney bath [sic] after a date a few days ago in Quebec City. According to the doctors who picked him up, the operation was carried out perfectly [sic]. They know what they’re doing. “It’s not even a joke, it’s frightening,” can also be read in other publications.

Organ trafficking Fake news on social networks causes concern in

Totally wrong, say the police

The Quebec City Police Service (SPVQ) wanted to reassure the public and confirmed that this story was a fabrication.

“There is currently a false rumor circulating on social media about organ trafficking in the Quebec region,” said William Robitaille, spokesman for the SPVQ.

The author of this misinformation is wanted by the SPVQ and could potentially face charges.

“Anyone who spreads or passes on false information may be charged under the Criminal Code,” the spokesman continued. We invite the public to follow official public security reports to obtain truthful information.”

More specifically, these are allegations of public misconduct that may be applicable to the present case.

A rumor that persists

According to SPVQ, this fake news has been circulating long before the social media era, more than twenty years.

“It has been around the world for several years. This type of hoax is not new. This morning I read an article from 1998. The article has been running for several years,” continues Mr. Robitaille.

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