Organized Crime The Montreal Fog

Organized Crime | The Montreal Fog |

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Since the death of Vito Rizzuto, organized crime in Montreal has no sponsor and exhibits a cellular rather than pyramidal structure. It is run by a core of influential Mafia criminals, bikers and gangs, around which rotates a mosaic of individuals and clans who exchange services for business opportunities.

Posted at 1:43 am. Updated at 5:00 p.m.


The size of the bubbles and the lines connecting some of them correspond to information received from the police and the crime world about the importance of each group on the chessboard and the connections between them.

Montreal organized crime is made up of several other factions, however we have preferred to limit their number for the sake of the reader’s understanding.

main actor

Martin Robert and Stephane Plouffe

They are considered by the police to be two of the most influential members of Quebec’s Hells Angels, but also of Montreal’s organized crime community in general.

Their group, which police have compared in some ways to the Nomads founded by Maurice Boucher in 1995, was attempting to break into a larger space in the sports betting and moneylending business through Francesco Del Balso, among others.

Leonardo Rizzuto and Stefano Sollecito

They are still seen by the police as the two leaders of the Sicilian clan, which remains the strongest of the Montreal mafia to this day.

However, their influence has steadily declined since the Magot Mastiff operation in 2015.

Pietro D’Adamo

He is considered by the police to be one of the strong men of the Montreal Mafia. D’Adamo, whose clan has a presence in the LaSalle sector, is very close to Stefano Sollecito and has close ties to traditional Irish organized crime.

Mario Brouillette

Police say this former biker, who has ties to both mafia clans and the Hells Angels, remains highly influential and would play a role as mediator in the conflicts between organized crime factions.

She believes her influence could grow further with the forthcoming release of the Normand Marvin Ouimet chapter of the Hells Angels from Trois-Rivières.

Gregory Woolley

Police believe this formidable gang leader, who was again linked to the Hells Angels in the 1990s and 2000s, now represents the interests of the Sicilian clan and will remain loyal to them.

Vittorio Mirarchi

The former protégé of boss Raynald Desjardins, who runs a discreet Calabrian cell of the Montreal Mafia, is a real ghost and a mystery to the police.

She wonders where the young gangster might end up when the picture of organized crime in Montreal changes significantly after a power struggle.