1696311024 Original file a petition from the FedeCP to find out

Original file, a petition from the FédéCP to find out more

To answer the questions of many hunters and learn more about moose monitoring measures in Quebec, the Quebec Hunters and Fishers Association has decided to launch a petition.

“In certain sectors there is a decline in moose populations that seems to be unknown, as we saw with the extension of the moratorium in the La Vérendrye wildlife reserve,” explains the president of the Federation, Marc Renaud.

“We wonder if it is sometimes improvisation, because since there are multiple users of the resource, everyone has to confirm their data. Additionally, as an association, we are concerned about the health of the resource to ensure a fair and equitable harvest for all. Elsewhere than La Vérendyre there are declines, for example in zones 27 and 2.

“We are fortunate to have competent biologists who can do the work. However, you need tools to perform more regular inventory, among other things. We ask decision-makers to provide them with the necessary budgets.

“We don’t want to relive the period of the 1980s and 90s when elk had serious problems in terms of their herds. We need to know more about the diseases and the different types of users of the resource. Sport hunters shouldn’t be the only ones punished. »


Justifying the submission of its petition, the association states in its information that it is “asking the government for concrete measures to strengthen the monitoring of moose populations in Quebec.”

The federation’s leaders are calling on hunters to “express their concern about the economic and social consequences of inadequate management of the elk herds and the restriction of access to the territory for all Quebecers.” Specifically, the petition calls for the following two points:

  • Increase resources for the aerial inventory program to ensure accurate, timely and continuous monitoring of moose populations in Quebec.
  • An annual and systematic publication of all government-collected moose population data.
  • The association also calls for collaboration between the government, indigenous communities, hunters and other stakeholders to find solutions that benefit everyone.

    For the president, this approach is also a way to put everyone on equal footing in the face of the problem.

    “To ensure that all users are restricted, regardless of their origin and sector, we need to know as many herds as possible across Quebec. Basically, this petition is simply saying to the government: put in the money because we are worried about the resource. There are discounts everywhere.

    “We were told about a draw, even though the substitution method has been tried and tested for a long time. There must certainly be people in government who are concerned. We let out a cry of alarm. »

    If you would like to sign this petition, you can currently find it on the National Assembly website.


    Generous hunters

    Don’t forget to sign up for the Generous Hunters program, sponsored by the Quebec Federation of Hunters and Fishermen in collaboration with numerous sponsors including SEPAQ and Latulippe. The aim of this program is to distribute game meat to people in need through Quebec’s food bank network. All you have to do is choose a certified butcher, whose list appears on the FédéCP website. You can find out everything on the website chassesgenereux.com.


    The National Outfitter Show season begins January 18 with the presentation of the first event of the season at the Sheraton Convention Center in Laval. For Greater Quebec, the event has changed its venue in 2024. The fair will take place from January 25th to 28th at the Lévis Convention Center. Promoter Gaétan Mondou’s team’s season will continue from March 8th to 10th in Trois-Rivières at the A. Desjardins sports complex and end from March 22nd to 24th in Sherbrooke at the Foires center. All of these meetings are ideal opportunities to meet outfitters, wildlife refuge people and any local stakeholders who can help you plan your hunting and fishing trips in 2024.


    Rocky’s Elk Stalker Series boots live up to the American manufacturer’s promises that they are comfortable and waterproof. You passed the test during the hunting trip in Anticosti. There was water everywhere on the paths and plains. Even after a long day of hunting, they remained comfortable without becoming too heavy. They are truly designed for big game hunting enthusiasts.


    Photo Julien Cabana

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