Osmani Garcia gets jealous and explodes with his wife Lauras

Osmani García gets jealous and explodes with his wife Laura’s suitor

Osmani Garcia blew up on social media after his wife laura received a very expensive gift from a suitor.

The famous confectioner from Miami received no more and no less than a bag from the renowned Italian brand Gucci and signed on top of that, and the reaction of the reggaeton singer was not long in coming.

Cuban influencer Adrián Fernández shared the video made by the singer in response to the suitor on his networks, but later deleted it from his profile.

Capture Instagram / Osmani García

Although Osmani initially seemed to have taken things very calmly and even in a good mood, it wasn’t long before he raised the tone and berated his wife’s suitor with a series of insults, and several followers of the influencer criticized his actions with obscenities and express bad words.

While he displayed a vocabulary unsuitable for sensitive ears, Laura just looked at him beside her and smiled at the reggaeton artist’s occurrence.

“She is the king’s wife,” explained Osmani García, to avoid any doubt and, incidentally, to reaffirm the place she occupies in his life.

Osmani Garcia and Laura They got legally married in July Last year was a long-awaited and unforgettable moment for both of them.

They celebrated last December their second wedding anniversary as a couple in Japan and recently, coinciding with her birthday, the artist He had the name tattooed on one of his arms..

Recently, in the middle of their trip to Jordan to record a video clip, they took advantage of this to be baptized in the Jordanwhere Jesus Christ received the blessing from the hands of the prophet John the Baptist.