39Our Home 239 Director Says There Were Strange 39Visitors39 and

'Our Home 2' Director Says There Were Strange 'Visitors' and Other Mysterious Cases During Filming; Video extra

One of the cases recounted by the film's director, Wagner de Assis, involves an elderly man who appeared at the entrance to the film set and asked to speak to him. The person in charge of the set promised to contact the director to pass on the message, and then…

The leader of the plateau, Alex, wanted to speak via radio. The moment he bent down to look at the radio and turn on the directional channel, he looked up: the man disappeared in front of him says Wagner de Assis. — He was scared because he thought that this man had run towards me. He ran the entire film set and never saw that man again. For him, who wasn't used to it, it was quite scary.

The director reports on another curious case, this time with the statements of the actors who took part in the recording, Edson Celulari and Fernanda Rodrigues.

— We shot on a set that was a spiritualist center. It was closed and the entire cast was on set. Nobody entered, nobody left. And they began to smell a very strong scent of roses. That day a medium visited the place, Nelson Martins Soares, a friend of mine, a materialization medium. I looked at him. He started laughing and said, “We have visitors.”

Wagner is already used to this climate when recording. In addition to “Meu Lar” from 2010, he also has other features in the genre on his resume, such as “Kardec” and the documentary “Chico para Semper” from 2022. In November he began recording “As Irmãs Fox” . “, which tells the story of three Americans involved in the origins of “modern Western spiritualism.”

— When I read the books, I knew that they had a cinematic character and were also great literary products. The copyright was acquired in 2005, including “Nosso Lar Os Mensageiros” and some other books in the series that we will make into films. I want to work on (versions) 3, 4 and 5. But the third one will definitely come soon.