Outraged vegan family sends notes to neighbor cooking meat Enough

Outraged vegan family sends notes to neighbor cooking meat: “Enough grilled”

Summary of the news

  • Two houses went to war over meat consumption.
  • A vegan family complained about their neighbor’s smell of meat.
  • They asked him to close the window when cooking dishes containing animal protein.
  • The neighbor posted photos of the orders on social media, further angering the family.

Neighbors can’t get along because of the meat preparation Montage R7/Freepik

A vegan family became an issue on social media after they sent out letters urging their neighbor to close the windows while cooking meat.

The first message from the vegans was ignored and they decided to complain again.

“Hello Neighbor. Would you please close your side window when you are cooking? My family is vegan and the smell of the meat you cook makes us nauseous and upset. Thank you for your understanding. Thank you, from Sarah, Wayne and the “kids,” reads the family’s first message to go viral after it was shared on Facebook.

The Australian family’s request divided opinion on the internet. Many claimed they were “cheap” because they molested the man who was cooking in his own home.

Apparently, the neighbor heard the suggestions of some netizens, who encouraged him to grill in protest.

This time the vegan neighbors weren’t so kind, sending a new message, in an envelope that read ‘Final Warning’: ‘I’ve expressed my concern that the smell of meat may be making my family sick and upset, and then you’re leaving you and. “Have a barbecue on Saturday night and invite a lot of people and you knew it would have an impact on me and my family,” the message said.

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Nor were they pleased to find out the previous note had been posted online: “My friend Tina told me you posted the message on social media.”

The family ended the second note with a request and an ultimatum: “Please don’t grill anymore and please leave the window closed when cooking, otherwise I will report you and also write to you on social media.”

Unfortunately, vegans were not catered for and the new ticket also ended up on the internet. Overall, many Internet users sided with their neighbors.

“It’s unbelievable, they try to tell you how to live your life in your own house,” one person said.

“Both sides are wrong. It’s a shame that this is our society without a community,” mused another follower. “Number 1: If you ask someone to close their window, close your own window. Number 2: You cannot tell someone how to live their life or what to do and make changes to you. Number 3: If your neighbor asks you to do something nice and you don’t agree, respond respectfully like an adult,” concluded one netizen.

Young woman watches vegan protest while eating chicken wings

A young meat lover has been spotted eating chicken wings during a vegan protest outside Sydney City Hall, Australia. According to the British tabloid Chron, the action consisted of two blindfolded people in front of a television screen, which broadcast horrific scenes of the massacre of animals


However, the venture doesn’t seem to have affected the anonymous man, as he’s perfectly comfortable with a large bucket full of greasy snacks


The record was shared by a user of the TikTok media application and accumulated more than 2 million views by the time this gallery was closed.

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Some found the situation funny: “Not all heroes wear capes,” commented one netizen

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“So many lost people,” said a second about the activists


Another section of the audience was more critical: “I’m not a vegetarian or anything, but it’s like he’s just being childish.”

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“Am I the only one who doesn’t find this funny?” asked one user of the app.

Another vegan decided to protest, and it went viral: she dressed up as a cow to cry in front of a meat gondola. Check it out below!


A vegan protester dressed as a cow cries in front of a meat aisle at a popular supermarket in Australia

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According to the Argentine newspaper Crónica, the record was shared by the activist herself on the networks and opinions were divided.

Play/Twitter/Crónica Virales

In the pictures she is kneeling in front of the cabin…

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Play/Twitter/Crónica Virales

…holding a tray of sausages…

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… and complains, visibly moved

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Tears begin to flow down the activist’s face

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As if she felt the suffering of all the animals that fell to feed human hunger.

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Play/Twitter/Crónica Virales

Finally, the girl lies on the floor with a sign that reads: “You have been scammed”

Play/Twitter/Crónica Virales

Afterwards, it is recommended to search YouTube for the vegan documentary “Dominion”.

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Play/Twitter/Crónica Virales

While some netizens did see courage, others labeled the activist “insane.”

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