Paco Bazan asks Paolo Guerrero in the U and attacks

Paco Bazán asks Paolo Guerrero in the “U” and attacks Dorregaray: "Is it the “9” of the 100th anniversary?"

After becoming champions of the Ecuadorian Pro League and Copa Sudamericana with LDU Quito, Paolo Guerrero was free and, at the age of 40, was looking for a club to continue his career. As in any transfer market, the 'Predator' was linked to Alianza Lima, a team he is a fan of and has repeatedly mentioned that he would like to play there. However, with the signing not materializing, the striker's future is uncertain. Amid the uncertainty, the commentator Paco Bazan He did not hesitate to express his interest in seeing the goalscorer at the Universitario de Deportes, as he believes that the recruitment made does not correspond to the 100th birthday.

Paco Bazan asks Paolo Guerrero in the U and attacksIn 2023, Paolo Guerrero won the Copa Sudamericana and the Ecuadorian League with LDU. Photo: EFE

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What did Paco Bazán say about Paolo Guerrero?

Paco was asked if he would continue to insist on hiring the Peruvian goalscorer and he responded forcefully: “He asked the 'U' fans: Are you satisfied with the team that has been put together for the 100th anniversary? It's a different year, isn't it? I ask Paolo Guerrero, such a move is necessary. “I am convinced that Paolo Guerrero could be in the 'U' if there is good management, a good lobby, if there is support, if the right doors are knocked on and if bridges are built,” he said on the show ” Eric.” y Gonzalo' from YouTube.

Likewise, Bazán spoke about the benefits that the arrival of the “Predator” would bring to Ate: “Wouldn’t it be a great deal? Wouldn't it be commercially attractive? Wouldn't they sell a little more shirts than Varela's or that Argentinian who “can't find out his last name (Diego Dorregaray)?”

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Paco Bazán attacks Diego Dorregaray

The former goalkeeper also expressed his dissatisfaction with the arrival of Dorregaray, describing the attacker from Cypriot football as a “package”: “There is nothing wrong with this package, I have nothing against him. I did not see him. I hope he is the player they say he is.”. The Argentine's experience did not convince Paco Bazán, who ended his speech with a rhetorical question: “Is it the '9' of the 100th anniversary?”.

1705449987 582 Paco Bazan asks Paolo Guerrero in the U and attacksDiego Dorregaray came from Nea Salamina in Cyprus. Photo: University

When does the university presentation take place?

La Noche Crema 2024 will take place on Saturday, January 20th at 8:00 p.m. (Peruvian time) at the Monumental “U” Marathon Stadium and face Chilean team Coquimbo Unidos.

Paolo Guerrero reveals why he refused to join Alianza Lima

Regarding his frustrated return to the intimate club, Guerrero pointed out that it was on his own initiative, as the only offer he received was when he was still injured.

“The only suggestion I received was when I was recovering. A manager told me: 'Paolo, you do your physiotherapy here and we will recover you.' Then I told him that I had to be well to come to Alianza, and that's what I did.” I met with this manager and he told me: “We will wait for you if you can.” But the fans wanted to say: “Because we are paying someone who doesn't play.” So I knew that I would go through processes where I would play but also stop, and that's how it is with this injury (…) I didn't want people to tell me I was stealing or hurting myself. ” he revealed.