1706350260 Page distances himself from the front of the underfunded PP

Page distances himself from the front of the underfunded PP barons

One of the major obstacles for the coalition government lies in the fact that a large part of the commitments announced by Pedro Sánchez in the investiture debate in November relate to regional jurisdiction in a territorial plan dominated by the right. And the first steps of the government's approach are already encountering uniform resistance from the PP. A coordinated offensive that the People's Party expressed in the conclusions of its 26th Interparliamentary Meeting. “From our autonomous governments, we will strengthen cooperation and coordination between regions to improve the quality of public services and the defense of citizens' interests,” says the text, drawn up after last weekend's PP conclave in Ourense became.

Regarding the means to finance these services, in recent days some PP leaders have intensified their demands regarding regional funding, taking advantage of their participation in the Fitur. At the tourism fair, the popular presidents of the three municipalities considered underfunded found a powerful ally in the president of Castile-La Mancha, the socialist Emiliano García-Page. The common complaints led to the political picture of the day: the regional presidents of the PP of the Junta de Andalucía, Juan Manuel Moreno; from the Murcia region, Fernando López Miras; and from the Valencian Community, Carlos Mazón, staged his alliance with Page on Wednesday to denounce the “underfunding” of their territories.

A day after the high-profile meeting at the tourism fair, López Miras announced in the same forum that an ad hoc summit with Mazón and Moreno would soon take place to address in depth the issue and the demands to be made to the government. The predisposition of the popular people is that Page goes along with it. “Of course we will invite him,” said the president of Murcia. But sources close to the socialist leader assure that he will not take part.

Emiliano García-Page, Fernando López Miras, Carlos Mazón and Jun Manuel Moreno during the meeting in Fitur on Wednesday.Emiliano García-Page, Fernando López Miras, Carlos Mazón and Jun Manuel Moreno during the meeting in Fitur on Wednesday. . (EFE)

The four presidents agree on the diagnosis and the need to reform the regional financing model, which has been phased out for a decade. But in their case, the criticism has its own characteristics: their municipalities have below-average adjusted financing per capita. For this reason, while the general change in the system is being decided, they are demanding that the government pay off the debts to its four territories “immediately”. Although he also shares this position, Page withdraws from the conclave prepared by his popular colleagues. The PSOE leadership took decisive action against the president of Castile-La Mancha after the socialist leader declared the same day in Fitur and before the media that his party was “on the verge of the constitution” due to the processing of the amnesty

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Aside from funding, the funnel that the PP wields from the territories against the central government becomes narrower and tougher as the legislative session progresses. This week the population pushed through a joint action that goes beyond the mere verbal confrontation between the eleven regional presidents and Pedro Sánchez: the proposal to apply a uniform EBAU (formerly known as selectivity) where they govern. The formation led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo therefore moves from words to deeds, supported by the educational powers of the municipalities, the majority of which are in the hands of the conservatives. But it will be neither the only nor the last initiative. Genoa is considering how to intensify the offensive on the dozens of fronts spread across the region, taking into account the freedom of action offered by the delegation of autonomous powers. “We have a calling for coordinated policies with our governments,” say Feijóo’s cabinet sources.

In recent weeks, the PP has held several sectoral meetings at the party headquarters in Génova in Madrid, attended by local councilors from the eleven popular municipalities. For example, Feijóo met with regional education officials on Tuesday, a day before the unified EBAU proposal was announced. In addition, during the 26th Interparliamentary Assembly, which established the basic lines that the formation's officials should follow, a special effort by the people to respond to the activity with all the battering rams at their disposal was evident. legislative measures of the Council of Ministers.

The problem within the PP is that not all autonomous communities have common interests or views on regional financing. The presidents of La Rioja, Gonzalo Capellán, and that of Extremadura, María Guardiola, were excluded from Wednesday's photo, although they were present at the time it was taken. They agree with respect to other matters, such as the tax reductions they have applied in their respective territories under 28-M. In contrast and at the same time, the central government is designing a policy of progressive fiscal pressure for the entire country.

They also propose a common position on the Housing Act, which requires implementation by municipalities, as they oppose limiting price increases by landlords. Among the areas with the most burdened prices are Madrid or the Valencian Community, governed by the PP. The rental reference price index, which allows for rent caps, will be ready in February. The Minister of the sector, Isabel Rodríguez, during her appearance in Congress on Thursday called for “a large alliance of countries to solve a problem that affects the majority of Spaniards.” An agreement with the popular administrations that was complicated from the start.

Both in these and other matters, the PP is thus counteracting the decisions of La Moncloa from the territories with its “own executive autonomy,” warn sources from Genoa. However, Feijóo's team assures that the specificities of each community will be taken into account: there will be policies that will not be shared by the 11 presidents, but only by those affected by specific problems, along with the rest of the policies that are of a cross-cutting nature to all are from them.

Meanwhile, as part of their territorial offensive this Saturday, the PP mayors will read manifestos from their municipalities in defense of “equality” at simultaneous rallies. And several regional presidents will support Feijóo this Sunday in Madrid at a new demonstration called by the party against Sánchez's concessions to pro-independence supporters. The event coincides with the mobilization of bases from different parts of Spain to show strength in the capital.

Feijóo supported his barons' actions on Thursday. “The government refuses to listen to the regional presidents, refuses to convene the Conference of Presidents and refuses to convene the Financial and Fiscal Policy Council. Unfortunately, the presidents have to speak where they can because the government refuses to talk to them,” said the leader of the PP at an informative breakfast with another of his regional presidents, that of La Rioja, Gonzalo Capellán.

Despite Feijóo's words, the Financial and Fiscal Policy Council was convened in December. However, the agenda was not about reforming regional financing or reducing debt to the Regional Liquidity Fund (FLA), but rather reporting on the deficit targets and the spending cap. Minister María Jesús Montero stated that the Ministry of Finance will distribute more resources between municipalities than ever before. All PP council members voted against it. However, the Conference of Presidents was not convened despite the express written request of leaders such as Moreno. On January 16, the Junta de Andalucía reported on the recent letter in which it called on Sánchez to address the interests of the autonomous communities in this body and to restore common sense so that the Government of Spain is the one that governs in Spain, and not a fugitive from justice,” based on Carles Puigdemont.

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