Palestine represents Western politics

Image: Taken from the author’s blog.

The three main European countries, the United Kingdom, France and Germany, together with the United States and Italy, have declared “United and coordinated to ensure Israel can defend itself”. Palestine has represented Western politics for many years. Thanks to this support, Israel’s asserted right to exist, a true right that no state capable of violating it will question, It means the right to exterminate Palestinians. The sum of Europe’s colonial legacy and European responsibility for the genocide of six million European Jews has the absurd and tragic consequence that Israel can propose and commit the annihilation of the Palestinians. not just as a political and national entity, but as a society.

These three countries were initially responsible for Jewish colonialism in Palestine. The United Kingdom through the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which promised Zionism a home in lands that had to be taken away from others. Germany for the Holocaust, which then logically triggered the mass exodus to these countries. France for its complicity in the imprisonment, deportation and extermination of Jews through its government’s collaboration with Hitler.

The same countries were later responsible for failing to honor a peace agreement reached in Oslo in 1993 The Palestinians renounced armed struggle in return for the formation of their state in Gaza and the West Bank within five years, in accordance with UN resolutions. Three years after the signing of these agreements, the Israeli general who signed them, Isaac Rabin, was assassinated not by the Palestinians, not by Iran or an Arab state, but by a Jewish religious extremist. His successor as prime minister and general, Ariel Sharon, torpedoed the Oslo agreements. The Palestinian signatory to the agreements, Yasser Arafat, was eventually imprisoned in his Palestinian headquarters and died in 2004, probably from poisoning by Sharon, recalls veteran former Beirut journalist Rene Naba.

The Palestinians had no state, Israel continued to expand its illegal settlements, He withdrew militarily from Gaza to convert it into a prison. without European countries saying or doing anything practical. For forty years they have done nothing except subsidize the maintenance of the Israeli prison with infrastructure that the occupying army regularly destroys in its raids. On the other hand, They rewarded Israel with privileged relations with the European Union.

As for the role of the United States, it is not necessary to expand: They have been the main proponents of Israel’s continued violation of international law and UN resolutions. Without this dual American and European support, Israel’s posture would be different and the end of 75 years of colonialism, a 19th century figure unsustainable in the 21st century, would be much more likely.

Everything was said about this years ago. Nobody realizes that things are about to get worse. Much worse. An unprecedented massacre is announced. Israeli law, according to which One Jewish death is worth more than a hundred Palestinian deaths., will act again to wash away the humiliation that the world’s fourth army was surprised from the world’s most heavily guarded open-air prison by a group of suicidal militiamen. With the important exception of the hateful and cruel indiscriminate killings and hostage-taking of innocent civilians, the fleeting incursion of the militiamen is reminiscent of the desperate Jewish uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto from April to May 1943: humiliation of the racist occupying power and the surprise, the devastation of the ghetto. That’s where we are.

Israel’s crazy race continues, albeit under increasingly worrying conditions due to the context of multiple and growing international war tensions. Israel is a small country with no natural resources and surrounded by hostile states and an Arab population radicalized by decades of injustice and double standards. In the European metropolises themselves, London, Paris, Berlin…, Where demonstrations in support of Palestine are banned, this tension is palpable. The United States, Israel’s big supporter, finds itself in a delicate position. Their proxy war in Ukraine has become a black hole. (90,000 Ukrainian victims since the start of the devastating counteroffensive on June 4th, as Putin declared on October 5th, and the information is credible). His army’s weapons reserves are exhausted. The Pentagon is openly preparing for war with China and indirectly waging war against Russia. As if that were not enough, Biden is at the center of the battle within the American establishment, which is unprecedented due to the criminalization of rival candidates in next year’s presidential election.

With the exception of Europe, the United States’ international reputation is declining worldwide. The American government is less powerful today than it ever was in the post-World War II era, recalls Canadian activist and lawyer Dimitri Lascaris. And this applies not only in Africa, Latin America and Asia, but especially in the Middle East, as the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia brokered by China and formerly Russia made clear. Despite the Saudi desire to align itself with Israel, the gross provocations at Al-Aqsa Mosque destroy any desire of the “Guardian of the Holy Places” to align itself with Israel.

“If Israel’s leaders had had the foresight and humility to understand that U.S. rule could not last forever, they would have made peace with the Palestinians long ago.” under favorable conditions when its protector dominated world affairs, but Israel’s decades of impunity made its leaders stupid. They repeatedly missed opportunities for peace under favorable conditions because they wanted everything. All of historic Palestine, every inch of it. Now they are trapped in their own arrogance and greed,” says Lascaris. And comes to the conclusion: “At this delicate moment, the last thing the United States government needs is another conflagration in the Middle East.”. Its military is overwhelmed, its reputation is tarnished, and its domestic politics are in chaos. If Biden and his inner circle had any sense, they would privately tell Netanyahu that Israel must respond with great caution. Unfortunately, there is no reason to believe the Biden administration will do this.”

(Taken from the author’s blog)