Palestinian resistance legitimizes significance of Al Aqsa flood

Palestinian resistance legitimizes significance of Al Aqsa flood

In a memorandum entitled “This is our story… Why the Al-Aqsa flood?”, the Hamas movement emphasized that the struggle of the Palestinian people against injustice, oppression, the confiscation of basic rights and the policies of apartheid did not begin in 1999 October started 7, but 105 years earlier.

The text, published by the resistance's military media, highlighted that the Gaza Strip was subjected to a crushing siege for more than 17 years and became the largest open-air prison in the world.

In this sense, he pointed out that Gaza has suffered five devastating wars and each time Israel has been the initiator and cause of the deaths of 11,299 Palestinians from 2000 to September 2023, most of them civilians.

He also denounced that Tel Aviv had virtually destroyed the possibility of establishing a Palestinian state through its violent campaign for double settlement and Judaization in the West Bank.

In this message, he confirmed that the Al-Aqsa flooding operation was a necessary step and a natural response to counter the plans against the Palestinian cause.

In this context, he noted that the fight was aimed at countering Israel's plans to control the country, Judaize it and gain sovereignty over the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as to put an end to the unjustified siege of the Gaza Strip and a natural step as part of the end of the occupation.

At this point, he emphasized that the epic that began on October 7 is the struggle of a people for independence and the right to self-determination.

The statement explained that Al-Aqsa Deluge targeted Israeli military sites and attempted to capture enemy soldiers and fighters in order to free Palestinian prisoners.

By the way, he reiterated that the attack was focused on the Israeli military detachment in Gaza and on Zionist positions in the enclave's settlements.

He reiterated Hamas members' religious and moral obligation to avoid attacks on civilians, especially women, children and the elderly.

“Our resistance is disciplined according to the instructions of the true Islamic religion and its military wing attacks the occupying soldiers and those who bear arms against the people,” he clarified.

Regarding the file of the captured civilians, he expressed the intention to release them as soon as possible from day one, calling the Israeli campaign in which Al-Qassam attacked civilians a slander and a lie.

On this subject, he added that the bombings and destruction showed Israel's indifference to the lives of its prisoners and its willingness to sacrifice them.

In this context, he called on major countries, particularly the United States, Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom, to declare their support for solving the crimes in Palestine.

He renewed the call for the International Criminal Court to urgently and immediately travel to occupied Palestine to investigate all Israeli crimes and violations in more than three months of aggression.

In the memorandum, the Palestinian resistance called on the free people of the world to place the events of October 7 in a broader context and to remember examples of liberation struggles in contemporary history.
