1705828589 Palestinian state Netanyahu rejects Biden again news

Palestinian state: Netanyahu rejects Biden again news

“I will make no concessions when it comes to full Israeli security control over the entire area west of Jordan – and that is contradictory to a Palestinian state,” Netanyahu wrote in X on Saturday night.

After a telephone conversation with Netanyahu, US President Biden had already said: “No, it is not”, when asked by journalists whether a two-state solution would be impossible while Netanyahu was still in office.

Biden: “Different types of two-state solutions”

According to the Jerusalem Post, the Israeli prime minister's office made it clear in a statement that, in his conversation with Biden, Netanyahu reiterated the position he has consistently maintained for years. “After eliminating Hamas, Israel must maintain full security control over the Gaza Strip to ensure that the Gaza Strip does not pose a threat to Israel, and this contradicts the demand for Palestinian sovereignty,” Netanyahu's office was quoted as saying. .

US President Joe Biden

Portal/Evelyn Hockstein Biden recently said a two-state solution under Netanyahu was possible

Before the conversation with Biden, Netanyahu also rejected the two-state solution that the important US ally defends with these words: “The Prime Minister of Israel must be able to say no when necessary, even to our best friends.” we will be able to find a solution, Biden told the press in Washington after the call with Netanyahu. There are “different types of two-state solutions.”

Hamas chief speaks to Turkish foreign minister

Meanwhile, the political leader of radical Islamist Hamas, Ismail Haniya, spoke during a visit to Turkey about a quick ceasefire and a two-state solution “for lasting peace”. Other topics at the meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan included the release of hostages and an increase in humanitarian aid, diplomatic sources said on Sunday. Thus, the meeting between Fidan and Hanija, who lives in Qatar, took place on Saturday.


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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has offered to mediate between Hamas and Israel since the start of the conflict. For him, the Palestinian radical Islamic organization represents a “liberation movement”, although it has repeatedly described Israel as a “terrorist state”. So far, however, all mediation efforts have gone through Qatar and Egypt.

International reactions

Meanwhile, France also pushed again for Palestinians' right to their own state on Sunday. “Palestinians have the right to sovereignty and a state,” Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne said on Saturday via X. France will continue to work towards this “goal.”

And UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has also spoken out emphatically in favor of a two-state solution. “The refusal to accept a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians and the denial of the right to statehood for the Palestinian people are unacceptable,” Guterres said on Saturday at the Non-Aligned Summit in Uganda.

Such a position “would indefinitely prolong a conflict that has become a major threat to international peace and security.” The right of Palestinians to build their own state must be “recognized by everyone”, emphasized Guterres.

Thousands of Israelis protest against Netanyahu

Meanwhile, thousands of Israelis demonstrated against Netanyahu's government on Saturday. In the coastal metropolis of Tel Aviv, participants in a rally demanded an immediate end to the Gaza war in order to free more than 100 hostages held by Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip. “Stop fighting, pay the price!” said one of the speakers, whose cousin is among the hostages, according to Israeli media.

Demonstration in Tel Aviv

Portal/Alexandre Meneghini More than 100 Israeli hostages are still held captive by Hamas

After an initial exchange of 105 hostages for 240 Palestinian prisoners in late November, Hamas only wants to release the others it kidnapped when the Israeli military withdraws from the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu and his colleagues, however, claim that only the military defeat of Hamas can lead to the release of those kidnapped.

However, there are more and more active and former high-ranking members of the army, some of whom openly say that Israel has no other option if it wants to get the hostages out alive. Many military experts also point out that Israel would have to conquer the border area with Egypt, including the densely populated city of Rafah, in order to significantly weaken Hamas. This is in fact impossible due to the associated consequences for the civilian population, but also due to Egypt's resistance. Many in Israel therefore assume that Netanyahu is simply delaying the end of the war to remain in power.

War after Hamas attack

The war in the Gaza Strip was triggered by Hamas' unprecedented major attack on October 7. At that time, fighters from the Palestinian Islamic organization, classified as a terrorist organization by the US and the EU, attacked Israel and killed around 1,140 people and kidnapped around 250 people hostage to the Gaza Strip.

In response to the attack, Israel declared war on Hamas and launched a major military operation in the Gaza Strip. According to the latest figures from the Hamas Health Ministry, which cannot be independently verified, more than 24,900 people have been killed there since then.