Paltrows defense grills doctor over travel after skiing accident as

Paltrow’s defense grills doctor over travel after skiing accident as trial nears conclusion


March 30, 2023 | 2:28 p.m

The retired optometrist, who was suing Gwyneth Paltrow, was grilled by her legal team on Wednesday over the many physical activities he engaged in on his world trip after her 2016 skiing accident.

Paltrow’s attorneys called 76-year-old Terry Sanderson back to the stand to present witnesses in the last hour of their last full day.

They submitted multiple images as evidence of Sanderson’s travels around the world while questioning the plaintiff, whose attorneys alleged he suffered traumatic brain injuries from the crash at Utah’s Deer Valley Resort that reportedly left him unable to to enjoy his pastime.

The Facebook photos and posts presented in court showed Sanderson riding a camel in Morocco, trek to Machu Picchu in Peru, ziplining and biking, hiking with his girlfriend, doing zumba, playing mini-golf, exploring an escape room and much more – all after the ski crash with Paltrow.

“Did you go to Peru?” According to the Independent, Paltrow’s attorney Steven Owens questioned Sanderson. “Walking the Golden Path? […] Did you do a zipline? […] did you go to europe […] Have you been to the Netherlands three times? […] ridden a bike? Did you do bus tours?”

A photographic evidence shows Terry Sanderson on a camel in Morocco, two years after the skiing accident. Portal Sanderson can be seen white water rafting in another photo from 2018 in after the 2016 ski collision.Portal

Sanderson answered yes to each of the quick succession questions.

According to the evidence, since 2016 the retired doctor has visited the Netherlands three times, Morocco twice and Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Thailand, Peru and Costa Rica at least once, the outlet reported.

At the beginning of the trial, Sanderson’s team had a medical expert and family members testify that he was no longer able to enjoy his normal, active lifestyle as a result of the injuries he sustained in the accident.

A neuroradiologist said Sanderson showed signs of brain damage that changed his behavior and personality.

Sanderson was spotted during a hike the same year as hitting Paltrow. Portal The retired doctor has visited the Netherlands three times, Morocco twice and Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Thailand, Peru and Costa Rica at least once since 2016. Portal Sanderson can be seen on a scooter in a 2019 photo. Portal

The retired doctor no longer engaged in many of the activities he loved before the accident and has struggled to maintain relationships with loved ones, his defense said.

“Terry was a high-functioning, active person,” said Dr. Wendell Gibby to the jury last week. “Every day he did many things. Group meetings, wine tasting, skiing, volunteering. After the accident, his condition deteriorated rapidly and he stopped many of the activities he enjoyed.”

Paltrow’s team also called for testimony from several experts on Wednesday.

Pictures of Sanderson traveling the world and enjoying physical activities after the skiing accident were shown in court on Wednesday. Portal Steven Owens questioned Sanderson about the various trips abroad he made. Getty Images Sanderson can be seen playing mini golf in a 2019 photo. Portal

They claimed Sanderson’s declining cognitive abilities were caused by aging, not the skiing accident.

They even said his mind was on the decline years before the crash with the star.

Under cross-examination, Sanderson’s own lawyers attempted to prove that his travels were part of his recovery efforts and a desire to return to his normal routine — which often involved traveling across the country and the world.

“Have you always traveled in your life?” his attorney Kristin VanOrman asked her own client.

Paltrow’s defense showed the photos in court to show he had traveled the world, despite defense claims that he suffered traumatic brain injuries as a result of Paltrow colliding with him from behind.via Portal

Sanderson said he’s been doing it since he retired, at least.

“Did you ever tell that jury, or attempt to suggest at this trial, that you could not travel?”

“Absolutely not,” the former doctor replied, according to the Independent.

“Looking back on that time, I was determined to prove I didn’t have any mental health issues,” he told the court. “All I did was put it on my record that this guy was trying.”

Sanderson said despite the smiley face photos he posted to social media, he “struggled” on many of those excursions.

“I couldn’t walk on my own anymore, and I had to learn that the hard way [my girlfriend] Robin has decided that after five years she doesn’t like me anymore,” he added, according to the publication.

The former MD claimed that Paltrow, 50, was skiing recklessly when she crashed into him from behind – but Paltrow said Sanderson crashed into her.

Sanderson is seeking $300,000 in damages from the famous actress, who has filed a counterclaim for $1 in damages and her attorney’s fees.

Paltrow’s attorneys also released a photo of Sanderson hiking with his girlfriend. Portal

Both parties are expected to present their closing arguments on Thursday. After that, the eight-strong jury starts deliberating.

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